
Call the "Doctor" for Damsel in Distress

Posted 2 weeks ago

Our 7 yo daughter will act like a damsel in distress—getting fake hurt or acting like she can’t do something. My husband and I ignore it, or nonchalantly guide her to her room to ‘rest’. It has...

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How to Build and Maintain Friendships

Posted on 6/15/2024

Hello, how do I help my 7-year-old daughter maintain good friendships? She is homeschooled, so our main source of friends is in church or our homeschool co-op. She is pretty outgoing, but I’ve...

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Require Independent Play

Posted on 2/17/2024

We are trying to promote our kids to be more independent with regards to their play. They are all boys ages 9, 7 and 5. They can play independently, but still want me to play with them and often...

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Teaching Manners to a Five-Year-Old

Posted on 2/7/2024

During a recent visit to a private school we are considering sending our daughter to, I found it difficult to have a conversation with the school staff due to my daughter's constant whining and...

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1st Grade Son Prefers Silly Play

Posted on 10/8/2023

My 1st grade son who has always preferred oral "silly" play including making rasberry sounds, whistling, and staccato outbursts of word like but unintelligible syllables, and exaggerated laughter,...

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Chores, chores YES

Posted on 8/25/2023

I'm not good at consistently requiring my son's aged 5 and 3 to do any chores around the house. I think they are old enough to start doing regular small tasks but I'm not good at holding them to...

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6-Year-Old Pitiful Pouter

Posted on 8/8/2023

My 6 year old son has a big problem losing any type of competition. He cries, pouts, leaves the room. At tennis he will pout and look at the ground etc. How can I motivate him? How do I teach...

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Problems too general to address

Posted on 1/21/2023

My young daughter was a G9 student. She was great when in elementary school. But developing some issues in middle school. Now in high school, she tends to isolate herself, not talking to any of...

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Let's Play! Or Not.

Posted on 10/16/2022

Thank you for your help RE my previous post on homeschooling. I always find this forum so empowering. How do I get my son into sports? He lacks confidence and avoids it. There is a lovely...

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To Share or Not to Share - That is the Question

Posted on 9/18/2022

What are the pros and cons for sibling room sharing? I wonder if I should make my 11 month old share a room with the 2.5 year old. P.S. The 2.5 year old is completely potty trained. Thanks for...

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Natural Consequences Are EffectiveTeachers

Posted on 7/9/2022

My 9 year old boy frequently acts like a baby and very odd in a socially unacceptable way like a feral child. When leaving his friends he will say “bye friends” in a silly voice. He also was...

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3-Year-Old in Hyper Mode

Posted on 6/22/2022

My 3.5 year old will get hyper and annoying when he is overtired or overexcited. When he’s in a “hyper mode”, he’s running around, trying to roughhouse, jumping into people, being loud and...

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Lazy Bones needs to Play

Posted on 6/21/2022

I have a twelve year old son. My concern is that he is incredibly lazy. He has no ambition to do anything. He finishes what we require of him and takes up his spot on the couch. Sometimes he reads...

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The Third Year of Life - A Time to Learn and Blossom

Posted on 5/24/2022

What chores and responsibilities should a 3.5 year old have? Should there be a designate “workbook/learning” time every day?

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Don't Overthink Autism Diagnosis

Posted on 5/22/2022

My 2.5-year-old daughter has a working diagnosis of autism. I’m finding it incredibly difficult to get my head around it. I do not want to sound unsympathetic, but how did this happen? Why are so...

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No Response is a Response: Let Them Be Silly

Posted on 4/21/2022

How do we teach our children to stop the constant silly talk/noises? One child is diagnosed with ADHD, autism, etc. I've set up a rule that the first 30 minutes after wakeup and the last 30...

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Parent vs. Grandparent Relationships

Posted on 2/15/2022

My husband and I love the John Rosemond way of parenting. We set rules and expect our kids to follow them. When my parents come around, they completely baby them because they "feel bad" and think...

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Mom Wants to Put a Lid on Son's Potty Talk

Posted on 1/17/2022

Hello, We have a 4.5 year old son. He has been using the word "poop" in everything. Trying to be funny. Or trying to get a rise? Depends. Here are a couple of examples.. I am 33 weeks pregnant...

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Shy 7 Year Old

Posted on 12/31/2021

My 7 year old first-grader has trouble joining into social situations. He plays well with his 5 year old brother, but with peers, he goes off on his own, and will tell stories to himself (I...

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Fear of the New

Posted on 12/15/2021

Our Foster son (8 years old) who we will be adopting in the next 6 months (working on paperwork and all the legal stuff that goes with it) has a very low self esteem and melts down and has a full...

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Friends, Fun, and Four Year Olds

Posted on 11/28/2021

My question is about how much socialization with peers is needed for my four year old son? We plan on homeschooling our kids and therefore do not have our son enrolled in preschool. Because of the...

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Transition from Nap Time to Quiet Time

Posted on 11/2/2021

Hi, our daughter is 2yrs, 10mo old. What age is appropriate for naps to go away? Our daughter fights naps nearly every day. The problem is that if she doesn’t get a nap is she gets extremely...

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Adopted Daughters Crave Adult Attention

Posted on 10/28/2021

Daughters want too much attention from adults, and are too touchy with them. We have two adopted daughters, ages five and six. Both seem to want an unnatural amount of attention from adults....

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Welcome to the Terrible Twos!

Posted on 10/21/2021

My just turned two year old was always an excellent sleeper after 4 months old, happily going to bed and staying there even through transition to adult bed. The past 4 days he has refused to lay...

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Play Nice!

Posted on 10/11/2021

Hello. My 6 year old daughter has a very hard time playing nicely with cousins and peers. She wants to have the upper hand at all times. She gets very jealous if somebody has something she...

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15 year old Daughter in Fistfight

Posted on 10/8/2021

15 year old daughter in a fistfight at school. Her story changes but the gist of it is that a girl she hadn't seen in 3 years wanted to talk to her (I doubt they hadn't spoken to each other in 3...

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Define "Disciplined"

Posted on 9/23/2021

Whenever we have friends or family over or we’re at an event with other kids our 4 year old daughter very rarely engages in playing with the children and constantly wants to be where the adults...

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"Anything for Attention and The Most Annoying Thing Ever"

Posted on 8/11/2021

I have a seven year old boy who is a copycat. There are adults around him who clear their throat, so now he is clearing his throat. It has become a habit and when he gets mad, he exaggerates it...

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Consistency is the key to success

Posted on 8/10/2021

I have a 6 yo daughter and 3 yo son. Daughter is often "mean" to son verbally. His 3 yr old talkativeness bothers her, and she frequently shouts at him ("be quiet!" etc.) My and wife's approach...

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9 year old won’t stop crying

Posted on 7/30/2021

My 9 year old son cries at what seems like the drop of a hat and sometimes it's out of the blue and seems that it should be a behavior that he should have outgrown by his age. Many times it's due...

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Things You Can't Change

Posted on 7/25/2021

One of the moms in our play date group does not believe in disciplining her children. Her 4 year old son has meltdowns, takes toys from other children, and BITES when he doesn’t get his way. When...

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8 year old boy missing his friends after moving

Posted on 7/16/2021

We’ve recently relocated and all my 8 year old does is complain he misses his old friends from his old school. I understand transitions are difficult and life has changed a lot but my sons quality...

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Taming 5 year Old Stubbornness

Posted on 6/21/2021

My 5 year old daughters stubbornness cannot be tamed and I’m not sure what to do. I completely emptied her room 10 days ago. She had 2 blankets and a pillow and that’s it. She had shown great...

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2 year old Hair Cut Anxiety

Posted on 5/21/2021

Hello, my son is 2 years and 3 months old. He has not had a full evaluation for autism yet but is showing signs and is nonverbal. He is in desperate need of a haircut but anytime we have taken him...

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Time for a Potty Training Reset

Posted on 4/13/2021

We are currently attempting to potty train our 21-month-old boy. It has been almost one month of training and we are having almost zero success with getting him to sit on the potty to pee or poop....

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Should Parents Start Naked & $75 Before or After they Move?

Posted on 4/8/2021

My son, who is 20 months old has stomach issues with constipation. On average he is constipated about two times a month at least. We are starting potty training this weekend, and we are worried...

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Parent Worried About Autism

Posted on 4/4/2021

4-year old, dad not involved since his birth. 8 months ago my child saw a video about pregnant ladies and since then he pretends to be pregnant. he knows he is a boy and that cannot happen but...

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19 Year-old Son's Girlfriend Glued to Her Phone

Posted on 3/22/2021

My nineteen-year-old son is living at home attending college during COVID. His girlfriend comes to visit on the weekends. She does not engage in conversation with me or make eye contact but is...

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Developmental Delays and Potty Training

Posted on 2/16/2021

Toilet training follow up - soiling pants still. Our disabled (developmental delay, hearing loss, sensory processing delay) 4.5 year old daughter has been toilet training for about a month now. ...

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Concern About Possibility Of Autism In 2-Year-Old?

Posted on 2/7/2021

If my 2 year old grandson is loving, social, communicative, and playful, do I need to be concerned with autism if he want to play a game constantly called "do that? The game is following...

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Ways to help your child figure out friendships.

Posted on 12/16/2020

My now 9 years old daughter has a friend at school who was her "best friend" .But this girl blows hot and cold whenever this other girl Ava gets in the middle of them and pretty much takes away...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 10.