Little Miss Dependent
Posted 2 days ago
Our newly six-year-old daughter, an only child, constantly seeks our attention and prefers not to be alone when we’re home. She wants us to stay with her longer at bedtime, engage in...
Read More4 YO Not Fazed By Consequences
Posted 4 days ago
I’m struggling to find compelling consequences for my 4 year old. We’ve tried taking away privileges like TV shows and toys, but she quickly moves on. We’ve tried time out, but the effects are...
Read MoreLittle Miss Dependent
Posted 1 week ago
Our just-turned-six-year-old daughter, an only child, wants our constant attention and does not want to be alone when we are at home. She wants us to stay with her longer when we put her to...
Read MoreWhen asking doesn't work
Posted 1 week ago
Most evenings when we ask my daughters to clean up (6.5 and 4.5 years old) the 4 year old does one or all of the following; whine, says she can't do it, says it's too much, gets distracted, slowly...
Read MoreKeep It Simple
Posted 2 weeks ago
We reached out in October regarding our 4-year-old son's hitting peers and defiance towards teachers at school. Mr. Rosemond recommended, and we are implementing the "on-call" parent, picking him...
Read MoreParenting is not deterministic.
Posted 2 weeks ago
My 17 year old son is a senior in high school. I've been concerned that he only hangs out with girls. I'm concerned about his sexuality. I went through his texts without his knowledge and...
Read MoreAddressing Disruptive Behavior in an 8-Year-Old
Posted 2 weeks ago
My 8-year-old son has been disruptive before and during school. He seems to think his behavior is funny. Yesterday, he tried to stuff someone else's lunch into a different lunchbox (not even his...
Read MoreTeachable moments
Posted 2 weeks ago
Wonderful advice. Thank you so much! Your books are amazing; we love them. I just purchased and listened to The 7 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make. Our problem is that we were more "buddy buddy"...
Read MoreManaging high conflict parenting.
Posted 2 weeks ago
Per parenting plan 9y/o son & 12y/o daughter may contact dad at will. Recently, ex demanded I make sure the kids call every day, then started ordering them to call at certain times. He will...
Read MoreChange your parenting direction
Posted 2 weeks ago
My son who is 8 is being disruptive before/during schooltime. He thinks it is funny. He tried to stuff someone's lunch into someone else's lunchbox (not even his own) yesterday. He takes things...
Read MoreEmbracing 'Season 1' of Your Child's Life
Posted on 12/30/2024
My 6-month-old baby boy constantly wants to be picked up and held. Whenever I try to set him down, he fusses until I hold him again. How can I help redirect his attention and encourage him to...
Read MoreGetting creative with your space
Posted on 12/29/2024
My four-year-old daughter shares a bedroom with her seventeen-year-old sister. Can you recommend an alternative consequence for tickets that would be as effective as sending her to her room for...
Read MoreCalm Consequences: Teaching Accountability
Posted on 12/26/2024
I am a single mom of 5-year-old twin boys. They are generally well-behaved, thanks to reading your books multiple times, but I’ve noticed they often don’t follow through on instructions. For...
Read MoreMom Frustrated With 6YO Not Following Directives
Posted on 12/26/2024
Hello, I'm having issues with my 6 year old following directions and doing things the first time she's asked. I have made her a check list to help her organize her tasks which has helped. If I...
Read MoreGuidance on Disciplining Autistic Child
Posted on 12/16/2024
I have a 7-year-old daughter who is autistic and a slow learner, but she is capable in her own way. She has been slower to learn how to talk, but she has understood the word 'no' for a long time....
Read MoreHow to hold 5 yro's accountable
Posted on 12/14/2024
I am a single mom of twin boys that are 5. Their father and I have been in court most of the last year in a custody battle. My boys are typically well behaved thanks to reading your books...
Read MoreGive Them an Inch...
Posted on 12/8/2024
We are in the process of resetting a slew of bad behaviors (sibling conflict, avoiding responsibility are currently the focus). I'm seeing an increase in defiance/disobedience, both directly and...
Read MoreThe Cost of Being the Boss
Posted on 12/8/2024
We have tried to make sure that our children know that my husband and I are the bosses in this home. We work on them waiting their turn to talk, saying yes sir and yes ma’am, please and thank you,...
Read MoreDisciplining Autistic 7YO
Posted on 12/8/2024
I have a 7 year old girl. She is autistic and is a slow learner but isn't incapable. She has been slow in learning how to talk but has known and understood the word no for a long time. I'm having...
Read MoreTattling vs important information- 4 yro
Posted on 12/3/2024
At what point should we discipline for tattle telling? Our 4 year old loves to tell us when our 1-year old is doing something "wrong." My problem is that sometimes the information she gives me is...
Read MoreManaging Daytime Wetting in Children
Posted on 11/30/2024
My 7-year-old daughter has recently started having daytime accidents where her pants are slightly wet—not full accidents, just a little damp. This only happens during the day; she doesn’t wet the...
Read MoreCreate opportunities for personal responsibility.
Posted on 11/29/2024
Hello, my daughter is 8 years old and was diagnosed with being on the autistic spectrum this summer. She’s very mean to her younger sister, 6. She gets angry at the slightest thing. Almost always...
Posted on 11/22/2024
Please help us with potty training! We used "Naked and $75" with our oldest child and it worked great. Our next child, however (22 months) is really struggling. We've been doing it for 6 weeks...
Read MoreFrom 2 year old bully to well behaved boy
Posted on 11/19/2024
Our 2 yr son has been struggling with lots of hitting, pulling hair, pushing, poking, grabbing (until his sister is screaming), biting, etc. towards anyone who displeases him. His 3 yr sister gets...
Read MoreShould I be concerned about what my children think of ME!!!!!!
Posted on 11/16/2024
What should the response be when my 6 year old daughter says "you dont love me," or "I don't think you love me" when something is taken away from her or she's punished?
Posted on 11/13/2024
I’m happy to report that the villain/victim drama has been resolved, with incidents only once a week. I hear whispers of “Please, let’s work this out so we don’t have to go sit for an hour.” I’m...
Posted on 11/8/2024
My 9 year old daughter is a slob. She leaves cabinets open, clothes all over the floor, toys everywhere, items from the fridge on the counter, etc. She is otherwise a pleasant and obedient,...
Read MoreTime for a visit from a coach
Posted on 11/5/2024
I am a single mom of 4. My childrens ears have officially stopped working and it's as if I'm not giving any instructions at all. The youngest (1.5) is now picking up on some bad behaviors. How do...
Read MoreChange of focus is required
Posted on 11/3/2024
Our 4.5 year old (only child) daughter is incredibly intelligent, chatty, bright and social. We enrolled her in the local play school for socialization, and she goes to a local day home one day a...
Posted on 10/28/2024
We started training my now 21 month old son at 19 months. We had him trained during naps and he's been dry overnight several times as well. However, for about the past two weeks he's been waking...
Read MoreMisbehavior at School Prompted Note From Principal
Posted on 10/28/2024
I received the following from our the principal today regarding his behavior at school and need help. I'm sorry to send this on a Monday but I was quite taken by Lee's behavior this morning. We...
Posted on 10/26/2024
Within the past few months, we transitioned our 4.5 year old daughter and our currently 23-month old son to a set of bunk beds (has stairs, not a ladder) in preparation for our new baby being...
Read MoreGuidance for Managing Son's Aggressive Behavior at School
Posted on 10/25/2024
Hello. We have a 4-year-old son who has been hitting other students, throwing toys, and ignoring the teacher’s instructions. He had four incidents in two days and was suspended for one day from...
Read More10 yr old with a Guilty Conscience
Posted on 10/23/2024
My 10-year-old son is apologizing profusely. If we correct him, he tends to say "I'm sorry" many times, even after we acknowledged the apology. I told him that I will acknowledge the first...
Posted on 10/22/2024
Good am! My middle son in Cheyenne Wyoming asked us to babysit 3 weeks since her mother who watches him is having back surgery. I said yes too quickly, but should work out. It is an hour drive...
Posted on 10/18/2024
Hello. We have a 4yr old son who is hitting other students, throwing toys and ignoring teacher's instructions. He has 4 incidents in 2 days and has been suspended for one day from school. In one...
Read MoreGame on at nap time.
Posted on 10/16/2024
My three year old grandson, whom I watch twice a week, often runs from me or hides behind a chair when I try to take him up for his nap or put him to bed. He also does it to my daughter, but not...
Posted on 10/14/2024
Hi I have a 20 month old daughter and have spent 5 days doing naked75. During this time she would randomly sit on the potty when asked but most of the time she would refuse. When she did sit on it...
Read More5 YO Needs to Act His Age
Posted on 10/10/2024
Hello, our just turned 5 year old is wonderful in school and even won an award for being the most kind in his class. However at home, he whines, acts like he can’t do things, and cries about...
Read MoreParents are the star of the show
Posted on 9/28/2024
5 year old daughter habitually lies. Doesn’t take care of the things she owns. We have taken away everything in her room to give it back when we’ve seen progress. Shows no respect to older...
Read MoreMass Confusion Has Taken Over!
Posted on 9/27/2024
I need a reset with our boys, ages 11, 9, 6 & 5. After a season of intense caring for our baby and 2-year-old daughter, things have become a disaster. The top misbehaviors in the house are...
Posted on 9/26/2024
Lately we are struggling with our 5 year old. It feels like there are many issues and it’s hard to know where to start. When we tell him it’s time to clean up, he’ll say “I’m tired” or will move...
Posted on 9/26/2024
I have a 19-year daughter who has been told she may be ADHD. She looked up the symptoms online and believes she now needs medication. I told her maybe she could use cognitive therapy. She told...
Posted on 9/25/2024
My 13 year old son is stealing money from us. Both from my purse and our envelope system. I was suspicious for a long time, but now I am confident it's him. My guess it's to spend money on junk...
Posted on 9/23/2024
My 11 year old daughter has had a falling out with one of her friends from church. She can usually resolve conflicts easily, but this one is much harder because it involved the other girl telling...
Posted on 9/22/2024
Early morning wakings are becoming a problem for our 34 month old. He is waking up at 430/5 and waking up his 5 year old brother (they share a room). He naps at daycare from 1230-2 and his bedtime...
Read MoreDaughter needs the Dr.'s help
Posted on 9/18/2024
I have a 5-yr old daughter disrupting her class on a daily basis. Her teacher has asked that we speak with her as it has become a problem as her teacher is constantly having to stop and start...
Read More3 yr old poop pattern or indication it's time to go!!
Posted on 9/18/2024
Re your answer about potty training my 33 month granddaughter. The thing is she does not poop every day (usually every other)and does not have a pattern such as after breakfast, lunch etc. If...
Posted on 9/14/2024
My 3.5-year-old son has always been a strong-willed child. About 6 months ago, we started using your discipline methods which have been great. Before that, we relied heavily on spanking but it...
Read MoreThe Ticket System
Posted on 9/13/2024
We are using John's Ticket System. Should my 4-year-old lose all 5 tickets before lunchtime? Is it reasonable to confine said 4-year-old to his room for the remainder of the day with the exception...
Read MoreShowing results 1-50 on page 1 of 133.