
How to untrain what was trained.

Posted on 6/22/2024

My 2.5 year old daughter is without diaper during the day but at naps and night with pull apps for the last 10 months Stil we have to remind her to go to the toilet and if we find she sometimes...

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Night training continued

Posted on 11/27/2023

My daughter (2.5) that I mentioned in an earlier question seems to be a very heavy sleeper. Because of our current housing situation she sleeps in our room but is in her own bed. I have considered...

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Night Training

Posted on 11/26/2023

1. My daughter (2.5) is day potty trained other than occasionally having accidents. But at night or nap time she still wets the bed. We stopped doing diapers totally with her quite a while ago but...

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When Bedwetting Returns

Posted on 10/19/2023

Our 4-year-old daughter has been potty trained for quite some time. We were successful with no accidents at nighttime wearing underwear. When we went on a few vacations this past summer, we used...

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You're Going to Learn to Use the Toilet Today

Posted on 9/22/2023

Today I have started potty training my almost 16 month boy. I’m a little overwhelmed but felt that the time was right. Am I supposed to still use diapers when he sleeps and just focus on day...

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8 year old boy bedwetting

Posted on 7/21/2023

My stepson is 8-y-o and bedwets. He was potty trained at age 2, but wore pull-ups at night since. He was adopted out of foster care as a toddler by my husband and his late wife. First wife died in...

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When To Begin Nighttime Potty Training

Posted on 4/3/2023

What age or when should we implement night training for potty training?

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Posted on 3/5/2023

We have just embarked on toilet training our 22-month old son. Will you kindly clarify why there are conflicting answers on this site as to the question of wearing diapers at naptime and...

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Middle of the Night Potty Solution

Posted on 7/16/2022

My 3.5 year old has been potty trained since before he was 2. I read and generally used the Rosemond book. However, I didn’t do the night/nap training as my pediatrician said it was just...

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9 year old's Frequent Night Time Urinating Best Evaluated by Pediatrician

Posted on 6/26/2022

My 9-year-old frequently gets out of bed to go to the toilet at night. I don’t mind but our house is laid out that he has to leave his bedroom, come down the stairs, past our living room, dining...

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18 month old Wetting Bed and Doesn’t Care

Posted on 1/7/2022

My 18-month-old could care less about his wet sheets in the morning or after naptime, and I am getting very tired of doing laundry twice a day (I am 8 months pregnant). Do you think putting a...

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Keep Potty Training Positive- Don't Punish For Accidents

Posted on 11/2/2021

Hi, our daughter is 2yrs 10mo old. We potty trained her 9 months ago using the “naked and $75” method from John Rosemond’s book Toilet Training Without Tantrums. Potty training clicked with her...

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Granny is Tired of 7 Year Olds Nightly Walks

Posted on 8/21/2021

My granddaughter lives with me, along with her two children The 7 year old boy is a tough case. His mother and I do NOT parent anything alike. This boy gets up almost every night and roams the...

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Time for a Potty Training Reset

Posted on 4/13/2021

We are currently attempting to potty train our 21-month-old boy. It has been almost one month of training and we are having almost zero success with getting him to sit on the potty to pee or poop....

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Daytime vs Nighttime Dryness

Posted on 9/15/2020

My 2 year old daughter has been potty trained for 2 months now and is still wetting the bed at night how long should I give her until I use the blanket with a buzzer to wake her up when she pees ?

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Potty Training Regression and Coronavirus

Posted on 3/31/2020

My 3 year old potty trained very fast right after his 3rd birthday. He has not had a problem being dry overnight, so we have always just used underwear. He’s been potty trained 3 months. Because...

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Posted on 11/20/2019

Trying to teach our 4 year old to use the potty at night. We started out with having him go to bed with only a shirt on. After many mornings of waking up soaked we decided to buy the potty alarm....

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Potty Training Marathon- Don't give up!

Posted on 10/23/2019

Hi again, Some weeks ago I asked for advice re: potty training my 22 month old son (he was 20 months then). We've been at it for almost 2 months now. This is by far the longest I have ever had...

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2 Year Old Potty Training Going Backwards

Posted on 9/22/2019

Hello! Our daughter is now 26 months and we started toilet training 4 months ago at 22 months. She got on to toilet training pretty quickly and within a few days she used her potty and stayed...

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Two steps forward, one step back

Posted on 8/15/2019

Our third child is 3.5 years old and we potty trained him (with some struggles!) starting at 21 months. He eventually "got it" and was pretty much independent going potty at home with the...

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Night Time Accidents

Posted on 2/20/2019

Background: We started training my daughter at 20 months and she was quickly and easily trained, lucky me. At 24 months we stopped diapers and naptime with great success. Issue: In November, at...

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Soaking wet toddler at night worries Mom

Posted on 1/1/2019

My husband and I started N75 with our 18-month-old son yesterday, and as I was starting this question, my son had his first success going pee in the potty. It's been nonstop accidents up to this...

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Posted on 12/5/2018

I have been reading your questions about bed wetting for older children 4-5 years old. We have not used pull ups since spring. My son is a deep sleeper and using a pad and bell alarm for 8...

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Two year old potty trained except at night

Posted on 10/9/2018

Hello! My son is two years and two months old now. We started potty training him about 3 months ago. We used Naked and 75 and it took about 7 days. They were stressful days, but it paid...

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2 year old's Preschool teacher demands he wear pullups

Posted on 8/15/2018

After reading Toilet Training without Tantrums by Rosemond, we went straight to underwear with our 2.5 year old. He has transitioned to another class at daycare, and the teacher feels he isn't...

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Loads of Laundry

Posted on 8/2/2018

My son is 30 months old, going on 3 years old. We are starting to work with him on potty training so we completely got rid of diapers/pull ups based on John Rosemond's book "toilet training...

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Bed wetting for 20 month old

Posted on 6/2/2018

So, I have been observing things for a bit and it turns out my daughter is definitely asleep when she wets her bed at night. So, how do we handle this? She’s 20 months, and we’ve been potty...

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Nighttime Toilet Training 19-month-old

Posted on 5/17/2018

I have a question about night training. My daughter is 19 months and doing really well with daytime potty training. Still has a few accidents but mostly going both #1 and #2 on her little potty....

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Nighttime Potty Training

Posted on 11/8/2017

My daughter is 4 and a half years old. She still wears a diaper/pull-up at night. Up until now, I've assumed that she sleeps through peeing. Months ago I'd wake up twice in the night to take her...

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4 Year Old Bedwetting Trials

Posted on 8/3/2017

Our 4.5 year old son has been day time potty trained since 22 months but has NEVER been night time dry. He had his tonsils and adenoids out a few months ago and our pediatrician said that may help...

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Heavy Sleeper & Bedwetting 5-year-old

Posted on 4/4/2017

My, now 5 1/2 year old, son was successfully potty trained at 21 months. Basically ever since, we have been trying to night train him but to no avail. He wears a pull up, which he hates doing...

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5 Year Old Wets the Bed

Posted on 1/21/2017

We potty trained my now 5 year old son when he was 4. He went a year without wetting the bed through the night but now at 5 (almost 6) he is soaking the bed every night. I make him clean up the...

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4 ½-year-old bedwetting in Pull-ups.

Posted on 9/16/2016

My 4.5 year old son is still waking up wet every night. Nine months ago we tried going with no pull-ups for six weeks. He woke up wet every single night, sometimes more than once. Never did he...

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Pre-schooler bed wetting at night and defiant behavior

Posted on 7/19/2016

My son is 41/2 years old. I have not been able to night train him. I finally put him back in pampers after trying underpants since he was three. At two he wore pullups to bed and was day trained....

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6 year old potty training issue

Posted on 3/8/2016

We are trying to night time potty train my 6 yr old son. He was doing pretty good, having a couple accidents a week, and then he went a 10 day stretch of NO accidents. Now, he pee's every single...

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Diapers versus pull-ups

Posted on 2/6/2016

Just a quick follow up to your response to my recent question. Why do you recommend a diaper at night instead of a pull up?

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Older Bed Wetter

Posted on 2/6/2016

Dr. Rosemond My grandson is 12 years and 3 months old and still wets the bed at night. His mother has taken him to see 2 pediatricians, tried Hypnotherapy and a Sleep Alarm. Do you have any...

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2 Year Old Bedwetting

Posted on 2/2/2016

My younger son is still not able to stay dry through the night. We ditched diapers (day and night) in May 2015 at 23 months old. Per Melanie's suggestion we put him back in a pull up at night in...

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5 year old bedwetter

Posted on 1/6/2016

Hi! I have a 5 year old who has not gone one night since he was born without soaking his bed/diaper while he sleeps. He was potty trained before he was 2 1/2, and learned to use the toilet very...

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3 yo boy having "on purposes" and being defiant

Posted on 12/1/2015

Our son just turned 3 and was potty trained about 11 months ago. About a month ago he started peeing intentionally in his crib at what I suspect were his intentions to get my attention and not...

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Bed Wetting

Posted on 10/7/2015

My almost four year old son is stii wetting the bed. Is this normal? Arewe doing him a diservice by waking him to go thruogh the nite?

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4 Year Old Regresses to Baby Behavior

Posted on 8/25/2015

4.5 year old had a period (6 months?) of dry nights and days. We have 7 children in the house, he is in the middle. When the older children went to summer camp for a month, he loved to take the...

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Bed Wetting - Regression!

Posted on 8/14/2015

This question is in conjunction to my previous: It appears our daughter is possibly wetting the bed to challenge our authority. I know she is able to control this (as she did at her grandparents)...

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Bed Wetting

Posted on 8/13/2015

Help! Our daughter had recently stayed with grandparents for a few weeks. Upon Returning she has started wetting the bed regularly. She has been potty trained since about 3 and she's now 4 and 3...

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5 year old Nighttime Training

Posted on 7/11/2015

Hi! Our daughter wil be five next month and two weeks ago we started night potty training her. We tried when she was three but she just slept thru until the next morning and was soaked and started...

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25 mo wets the bed

Posted on 7/10/2015

We ditched diapers Friday of Memorial Day weekend and it took 3 full weeks, but my 23 month (at the time) son is doing fantastic during the daytime! He never has accidents and even tells us,...

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2.5 year old Reverting After Potty Training

Posted on 7/9/2015

My son is 2.5 years old (31 months). We potty trained him using your book Toilet Training Without Tantrums when he was 20 months old and it was easy. He seemed to be doing very well with very few...

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4 yo use alarm for "night training"? revisited

Posted on 6/4/2015

My son is almost 4 1/2 years old. He had been potty trained since 22 months old, but has continued to wear pull ups at night ever since training. I have read the toilet training book. Should we go...

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3 year old Not Dry Overnight

Posted on 5/14/2015

My son who just turned three has been day trained since he was 19 months. We have done no diapers at nap time for several months and he is consistently waking up dry. However I'm confused by some...

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4.5 yo poops in pull up

Posted on 4/27/2015

Our 4.5 year old son has been potty trained since age 3. He still wears a pull up for his nap and at nighttime. He probably poops 50% of the time in his pull up. I'm worried he can't hold his...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 2.