
Toddler guidance and independence

Posted 2 weeks ago

We recently found out that Baby #3 is on the way. We are trying to conquer the terrible twos with our son and conquer some issues with our 3 yr daughter. She has had a sneaky, disrespectful...

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"Special Tantrum Place" for Tantrums

Posted on 2/28/2024

My son (21 months) is in full blown “terrible twos.” He does lots of throwing fits. When they happen he gets a swat on the bottom and has to sit in his bed until he will be sweet and say he’s...

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How to space kids?

Posted on 12/27/2023

From previous questions you know that our two kids are very active and often very naughty. God is helping us and we’re trying to follow your advice. Some weeks are rough. Others are better but we...

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Toddlers Acting Up After Moving Across Town

Posted on 12/12/2023

Recently we moved to an apartment across town from where we were. My kids (2.5 & 1.5) are really struggling to adjust to the new place. They are used to seeing their grandparents every day and...

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How much to expect from toddlers

Posted on 12/5/2023

How do I know where to draw the line between what to expect for proper behavior and what is too advanced for the kids (girl 2.5 and boy 1.5) to learn? My husband and I have high standards of what...

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Toddlers struggle with rules.

Posted on 11/30/2023

How do I teach my little people (2.5 and 1.5) to have respect? Often the baby will scream and yell for what he wants and doesn’t use much English yet. My daughter talks clearly but often demands...

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"Fit Places" for a two year old

Posted on 11/26/2023

At what age can I start using tickets? I tried for a while with my 2.5 year old but she just chewed/folded/tore them up and thought they were toys. So far time out and pictures taped to the fridge...

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Cutting the apron strings 3yo

Posted on 11/5/2023

Our daughter is an only child, and I am a stay at home wife. She turned three in June and we are starting to have some difficulties separating her from our interactions as husband and wife during...

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When will sharing 'click'

Posted on 9/12/2023

When I hear my two little people (2 and 15 months) arguing, fussing, yelling, etc. at each other in the play room, should I go investigate and discipline whoever is in the wrong (if one sibling...

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Testing 1 2 3

Posted on 8/17/2023

My children (2 and 1) are very used to having their grandparents around all the time since we currently live together while we try to find a house. My parents are away for about 10 days and the...

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2-Year-Old Would Rather Play Than Eat

Posted on 8/9/2023

We need help with meal time, breakfast seems to be the worst. We have two girls ages 4.5 and 2. Every day I make breakfast and the girls sit down to eat. Breakfast usually starts well, and I’m...

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Terrible twos

Posted on 8/9/2023

My daughter (2 yr.) has suddenly started undressing when she is supposed to keep her clothes on. She will be in the middle of playing with her brother while I do house work or cook supper and she...

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Mom and 2yo girl in Great Transition

Posted on 7/15/2023

How do I transition my daughter (2 yr) to the next season? Right now we are in the first season, I think John calls it the season of servitude or something like that. But I know she has to take...

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Head Hurter

Posted on 7/12/2023

When my 22-month-old son is told no, he will usually obey but he will take his fist and hit the side of his head (hard!) repeatedly or will start running until he falls and then will bang his head...

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Relax your parenting expectations.

Posted on 7/10/2023

I am very overwhelmed with trying to raise my daughter (2 yr). I’m a Christian so I have been praying about this and asking ladies in my church like John mentions doing. I feel like I am...

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Book Etiquette and Two Year Olds

Posted on 6/27/2023

My daughter (2) has done pretty well in being gentle with books. But recently she has started tearing pages and biting books. It doesn’t matter if they are normal books or board books, she is hard...

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2 yo girl bullies little brother

Posted on 6/27/2023

My daughter (2) has been biting her brother (1). It’s not just a nibble. It’s a hard chomp that leaves him sobbing and with teeth marks on his arm or wherever she bit him. She also pushes him,...

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When To Begin Nighttime Potty Training

Posted on 4/3/2023

What age or when should we implement night training for potty training?

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2-Year- Old Potty Training Regression is Normal

Posted on 3/31/2023

Potty trained regression!? Our son turned two at the end of february. We potty trained him exactly how the book says at about 22 months, naked & 75! And he conquered potty training really well in...

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Not getting his way head banger.

Posted on 3/16/2023

Hi, My 18 month old son will bang his head against me when I am carrying him if he is angry or does not get his way. For example after playing outside, I will announce it is time to go inside and...

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Understanding a 2 year old.

Posted on 1/12/2023

Our main discipline tool for our sensitive 2.5 year old son is time out. When he disobeys after a count of 3 or says “no” to us, he goes in our bedroom or his bedroom for a 2 minute time out. I...

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Posted on 11/16/2022

Update: The previous issue I wrote about where my toddler held his pee for hours and refused to go potty seems to have improved following some antibiotics given prophetically. However, other...

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The Daycare Biter, Act 2

Posted on 11/8/2022

My just turned 2 granddaughter is biting at her preschool/daycare. This has happened off and on for over 3 months and is getting more frequent. She does not do this at home, to her 4 yr bother, on...

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The Daycare Biter

Posted on 10/27/2022

My 2 yo is biting excessively at daycare. They do not believe in "time outs" only distractions. She does not have any delays and has been seen by ENT and speech is appropriate. I know biting...

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Two-Year-Old Burning Out Mom

Posted on 8/23/2022

I live every day in a blind rage. My 2 1/2 year old is exasperating, infuriating, demanding, interrupts continuously and I can not get a SINGLE task completed (can not stress enough). She talks...

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Posted on 8/16/2022

We have a 2-year-old that refuses to listen and his favorite answer is no. For example, just this morning I was trying to get him ready to go to daycare and I asked him to sit down so I could...

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Two Year Old Being Terrible

Posted on 6/9/2022

My 2.5 year old in the past week has been extremely irritable, refusing to eat almost anything that isn’t Mac and cheese, and has reverted back to taking 2 naps a day. Tantrums and screaming are...

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Parenting Season Transition: From Service to Leadership

Posted on 3/22/2022

My daughter just turned two. She's a good little girl but most definitely a typical rambunctious toddler. I'm having trouble getting her to listen and obey without telling her multiple times. I...

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Put the Brakes on 2.5-Year-Old Thrower

Posted on 12/27/2021

My non verbal 2.5 year old is a thrower. Especially at the face. She will throw toys in my face. She will throw her food and cutlery at my 8 year old son in the face. I don’t know what to do,...

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Transition from Nap Time to Quiet Time

Posted on 11/2/2021

Hi, our daughter is 2yrs, 10mo old. What age is appropriate for naps to go away? Our daughter fights naps nearly every day. The problem is that if she doesn’t get a nap is she gets extremely...

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Welcome to the Terrible Twos!

Posted on 10/21/2021

My just turned two year old was always an excellent sleeper after 4 months old, happily going to bed and staying there even through transition to adult bed. The past 4 days he has refused to lay...

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Convert Nap Time to Quiet Time As Toddler Outgrows Naps

Posted on 7/17/2021

My just turned 2 year old toddler is refusing naps. She has been out of routine since the clocks have changed and as we have just moved and not been at home for nap times so I’ve let her sleep in...

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Lock Up

Posted on 6/15/2021

I am reading through John’s terrific 2 book and he mentions using child locks on kitchen cabinet doors etc but I am in rented accommodation and not allowed to put fitted child locks on the kitchen...

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Posted on 5/17/2021

My two year old daughter has recently been running away from me when we are in parking lots or near the street. I gave her a firm spanking, but she keeps doing it. What should I do?

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She's Got an Arm!

Posted on 4/13/2021

My 2 year old daughter is throwing anything and everything she can find when she feels upset or does not get her way ... any advice? We have tried ignoring it but she just grabs more things to...

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Time for a Potty Training Reset

Posted on 4/13/2021

We are currently attempting to potty train our 21-month-old boy. It has been almost one month of training and we are having almost zero success with getting him to sit on the potty to pee or poop....

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Two year old screams while Mom is on the phone.

Posted on 3/9/2021

How do I get my two year old to not scream or ask questions while I’m on the phone?

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When Getting Dressed Becomes Game of Chase

Posted on 2/16/2021

Hi, my daughter, will turn 3 in 2 months recently started defying us when it comes to changing her clothes. Whenever she is told it’s time to do it, she thinks its some sort of game, runs away or...

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2-Year-Old's Aggressive Behavior Is Unacceptable

Posted on 2/15/2021

Hello! I have two kids. Boy: Almost 3 (in May) Girl: 1 and 2 months old Boy is hitting girl, knocks her over and laughs when he does it. How can I approach this adequately?

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No more bottles!

Posted on 1/27/2021

Hello, My 2.5 yr old boy still uses a bottle to self soothe at night. This habit was created from living in a one bedroom apartment and trying to keep him quiet through the night when he was...

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21 month old steals sister's toys

Posted on 12/28/2020

Lately our 21 month old seems to make it his mission to steal toys away from his 3.5 year old sister. While I realize that he doesn’t really understand sharing, it feels like all I do all day is...

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Two-Year-Old Shows His Ugly Side

Posted on 11/20/2020

My 24 month old is usually pretty good. I previously used time outs to train him out of hitting and food throwing. However, he will get into this “drunk” state, where he is simultaneously...

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Toddler seems angered by the potty

Posted on 11/2/2020

Hi! We’ve been potty training for going on four months now. Daughter is 23 months. She has days where she goes accident free and then others where it’s 100% accident. The past few weeks she seems...

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Patriotic Preoccupation: A Toddler's Flag Fixation

Posted on 10/28/2020

Our 28 month old is OBSESSED with American flags. This has lasted over a year. The flag has become a large issue many times throughout the day as his obsession spans isn’t only with the flag...

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Sassy 2 year old

Posted on 10/25/2020

28 month year-old son uses nasty tone and says “don’t say that to me!“ Or “don’t talk to me like that!“ ‘No!!’. I know this is part of being a toddler but if I engage back and let him know it is...

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The 2 Year Old's Battle to Dress Himself

Posted on 10/25/2020

My 2-year-old son wants to put on hat and gloves himself. I know this is a good normal part of development, but if the hat isn’t just right, it leads to a giant meltdown. I want to let him try...

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A Fine Whine?

Posted on 9/20/2020

Looking for help for whining for our 28mo. We have tried saying "that's whining. We can't hear whining. Use your happy voice." and even the raising eyebrows suggestion, for the last 7 or so...

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Curing the Bedtime Blues

Posted on 9/7/2020

Our almost 2.5-year-old daughter started to refuse to go to sleep. She doesn’t take naps at home anymore (only at daycare) and was fully sleep trained before age one. It all started with her...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 2.