
Call the "Doctor" for Damsel in Distress

Posted 2 weeks ago

Our 7 yo daughter will act like a damsel in distress—getting fake hurt or acting like she can’t do something. My husband and I ignore it, or nonchalantly guide her to her room to ‘rest’. It has...

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Recognizing the Value of Childhood Chores

Posted 3 weeks ago

Hi there! I am wanting to know what chores I should expect from my three daughters, 3.5yo twins and 6.5yo. They help out here and there, but Dad and I are tired of doing all the clean up and no...

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What mom says GOES!

Posted on 6/26/2024

Hello, I have a son who is 2.5 and my daughter who is 17 months. My son was a great listener when we were out and he was not in a stroller. If we say no or stop he would listen or come back to...

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13 yro are human

Posted on 5/4/2024

Hello. Our 13 year old son is the oldest of our three boys. They are all adopted and are biological brothers. For the past year or so, there has been a handful of times he has gotten angry...

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Son and Mom Problem

Posted on 4/9/2024

Hi. 13-Year-old boy. Home school, avid reader, no screens, movies on weekend. Tennis player. Plays outside. I love everything Rosemond. But I have never been great at putting it into effect. My...

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The Grass Really Isn’t Greener on the Other Side

Posted on 3/25/2024

My 10-year-old daughter seems always to think the grass is greener somewhere else. For example, we homeschool, which she enjoys, but often expresses her wish to return to regular school, and when...

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Not Listening the First Time

Posted on 3/20/2024

We believe in the necessity of our children obeying the first time they are told-without challenge, delay or excuse. However, we also wish to walk the tightrope of a loving, nourishing home,...

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"Special Tantrum Place" for Tantrums

Posted on 2/28/2024

My son (21 months) is in full blown “terrible twos.” He does lots of throwing fits. When they happen he gets a swat on the bottom and has to sit in his bed until he will be sweet and say he’s...

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Fill His Glass

Posted on 2/23/2024

My 9-year-old son is very negative lately. He seems focused on the "bad" parts of the world. He is worried and frustrated about big problems in the world like destroying the environment, for...

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Posted on 2/20/2024

My stepdaughter is 14. She makes good decisions but has anger issues. Yesterday I caught her climbing over a gate to the jacuzzi in our condo complex — we have a key, but she didn’t want to get...

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Teaching Manners to a Five-Year-Old

Posted on 2/7/2024

During a recent visit to a private school we are considering sending our daughter to, I found it difficult to have a conversation with the school staff due to my daughter's constant whining and...

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Fostering Responsible Decision Making

Posted on 2/3/2024

Our 11 y/o son is in 5th grade at a private Christian school and we pay for him to have weekly trumpet lessons. He doesn't really practice though. I told him that if he wants to keep having mom...

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Responding to opposing viewpoints

Posted on 1/9/2024

A while back my kids had done wrong and so I spanked them, prayed with them, hugged them and told them that I love them. That’s how my parents did with me. A person I am close to said I should...

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Victimhood by a 10 yro

Posted on 1/6/2024

Our son regularly makes excuses, assigns blame elsewhere, etc. when it comes to taking responsibilities for his decisions. He often plays the "poor me" or victim card. What are your best...

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How much to expect from toddlers

Posted on 12/5/2023

How do I know where to draw the line between what to expect for proper behavior and what is too advanced for the kids (girl 2.5 and boy 1.5) to learn? My husband and I have high standards of what...

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Adjusting the Attitude

Posted on 10/13/2023

Are there any Rosemond certified therapists on the island of Oahu? I've read several of John's books and am still having trouble with my 2 kids, especially my soon to be 13 yrs old son. He was a...

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2nd Grader Can't Keep Hands to Himself

Posted on 10/8/2023

My 2nd grade child struggles with keeping his hands to himself in school, a problem we've encountered for the past 2 years. We've actively collaborated with his teachers each year and introduced a...

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5yo being a 5 yo

Posted on 10/3/2023

Our 5 year old son is extremely emotional, and has no governor on his emotions. We don't expect him to have control over his emotions at this age, but we also do not know what is age-appropriate,...

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To Lie or Not to Lie...

Posted on 9/18/2023

Our 5-year-old son has been telling lies. Most of the time he admits to them when we are questioning him. How do we punish him for lying without dissuading him to confess the truth as he has been?

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When will sharing 'click'

Posted on 9/12/2023

When I hear my two little people (2 and 15 months) arguing, fussing, yelling, etc. at each other in the play room, should I go investigate and discipline whoever is in the wrong (if one sibling...

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3/4 yr old hitting/scratching

Posted on 9/8/2023

My (just turned) 4 year old has been hitting and scratching for a while now. It first began when she was at a day care that we think she may have had some physical/verbal abuse, but we're not sure...

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Posted on 8/29/2023

Thank you SO much for your advice. Things are going much better. A lot of the drama and stress has cut down. Both kids (2 and 15 months) are happier. I have been praying about it and seeking Godly...

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Chores, chores YES

Posted on 8/25/2023

I'm not good at consistently requiring my son's aged 5 and 3 to do any chores around the house. I think they are old enough to start doing regular small tasks but I'm not good at holding them to...

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Value systems call.

Posted on 8/10/2023

My nephew just turned 9. He is the oldest of 4 and they live four houses down from us. The youngest is a boy the same age as my son. He has been painting his nails along with his brothers nails...

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Balancing Adult Responsibilities and Quality Time with Young Children

Posted on 8/9/2023

I hear so much about how kids grow up so fast, how we need to enjoy them when they are young, how they need more one-on-one time, etc. I agree that they grow up fast and that it is important to...

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Parenting in Public

Posted on 8/9/2023

What do I do about disciplining and training bad behavior in public? In this confused world I don’t want people to think I’m being too strict, abusive, or unloving. But I have seen John’s stuff...

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Get to Work!

Posted on 6/12/2023

The "K-12 to college" track offers few opportunities to try new trades and create things aside from computer programs. School runs all day as a daycare for two working parents, but most employers...

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Overboard in the Offseason? Dad, Sports, and a 13-year Old

Posted on 5/31/2023

Husband takes our 13 yr old to a sport practice 3x/wk, conditioning 1x/wk, and a trainer 1x/wk which leaves one night/wk for a non-sport activity and one weekend day open. This sport is in its...

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How to Stop Micro-Managing Playtime

Posted on 5/25/2023

In Mr. Rosemond's most recent podcast on 'The Good Mommy Club, he states that children shouldn't be told how to play because it comes naturally. I find myself micro-managing my daughters when I...

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Posted on 5/8/2023

How can I teach my 16 year old daughter to think of others? We have just started limiting and putting boundaries on her phone time, which we know we were wrong in waiting to do. We try to model it...

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Teaching gratitude to 4.5 yo boy

Posted on 4/15/2023

I’m struggling to teach my 4.5 year old son gratefulness. We don’t have strong behavior issues, but he will often say things like “Why doesn’t this water have ice?” Or “Why is her piece bigger...

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What Do I Do if My Child Is the Bully?

Posted on 4/1/2023

What do you do when you find out your child is the bully? Recently, I read my 13-year-old son's text thread and learned he was verbally bullying another child. Reading further, he also...

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How Do I Teach My Children Manners?

Posted on 3/23/2023

Hello! I have three girls, ages (almost) 5, 7, and 9. I'd love to follow Mr. Rosemond's advice on teaching them one manner per week. How do you suggest I do this in practice? For example, one week...

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Posted on 3/18/2023

I am wondering if my children should address adults outside of school by their first names. How should I address my neighbors and other adults in front of my children?

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3 Year Old Doesn’t Understand Why Chinese Grandma Doesn’t Understand Him

Posted on 3/13/2023

My mother, who speaks Chinese only, finally came to the U.S. to meet the grandkids (3 & 1.5 years) in person. Previous contact was through Facetime only. The 3-year-old boy is verbally pretty...

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Posted on 3/9/2023

We understand that a child is best served by receiving personal attention for their first three years before starting regular daycare. However, could outside care still be beneficial by age two?...

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Posted on 3/2/2023

Is it too late to start these 7 principles on teenagers?

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Distress at the Dentist's and Choosing Church

Posted on 2/2/2023

Question about The Godfather Principle: We’re currently implementing this because of a rather rough (that’s an understatement) dentist visit. We read your response to the question about temper...

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Anger Mismanagement

Posted on 1/4/2023

My 11.5 year old, quite academic son, is very respectful outside home and loved by his teachers. In past few years he is lacking anger management and becomes disrespectful (especially with mom)...

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Be the Adult in the Room

Posted on 12/20/2022

Here goes the scenario, most of the time this happens while eating dinner, where one of my step kids will correct my "wording" or how I "phrased some words" I used in a sentence. I work all day...

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Posted on 10/5/2022

I have been asking questions and seeking advice for a time. Had a coach, but my husband discontinued service. Last time I wrote I mentioned, My husband said we should cut it at the root. He...

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Five Years Old: The Age of Fine Whine

Posted on 9/21/2022

My youngest, who is 5 years old, is feeling left out, saying the neighborhood kids don’t want to play with him. However, I don’t blame them! He is very whiny, tattles constantly, and doesn't share...

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Posted on 8/17/2022

Our ten year old was caught looking at porn on his friend phone. yesterday. he also was caught on his school computer, last year. we tried to explain to him how wrong it was and took away all his...

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Posted on 7/28/2022

As a kid, my dad & older brothers drank. My mom didn't, but allowed it. I started drinking at 17. My brothers smoke marijuana.I quit drinking at 28. I will occ. have a glass of wine, but not...

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Stop Complaining!

Posted on 7/12/2022

I have a boy who just turned 8. We eat dinner and shortly after he complains he’s hungry (I fix good, homemade balanced meals). When I fix dinner, he complains he doesn’t like what we’re having....

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Natural Consequences Are EffectiveTeachers

Posted on 7/9/2022

My 9 year old boy frequently acts like a baby and very odd in a socially unacceptable way like a feral child. When leaving his friends he will say “bye friends” in a silly voice. He also was...

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3-Year-Old in Hyper Mode

Posted on 6/22/2022

My 3.5 year old will get hyper and annoying when he is overtired or overexcited. When he’s in a “hyper mode”, he’s running around, trying to roughhouse, jumping into people, being loud and...

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Don't Dis R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Posted on 6/13/2022

Our 8 year old has grown increasingly disrespectful. He is perfect respectful to adults like teachers and parents of his friends, so it is primarily an issue at home. Often the disrespect is...

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The Third Year of Life - A Time to Learn and Blossom

Posted on 5/24/2022

What chores and responsibilities should a 3.5 year old have? Should there be a designate “workbook/learning” time every day?

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 11.