
Troublemaking Siblings

Posted 2 weeks ago

Our two youngest children, when together, are troublemakers. They are 6 and 7, but when they are together they revert to large babies—don’t do their chores, lay around, giggle, tickling,...

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Toddler guidance and independence

Posted 2 weeks ago

We recently found out that Baby #3 is on the way. We are trying to conquer the terrible twos with our son and conquer some issues with our 3 yr daughter. She has had a sneaky, disrespectful...

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Time for a New Approach with 6YO

Posted 3 weeks ago

My son turns 6 next month and has hit a stage where if I use alpha speech and he doesn’t like what we’re doing, he follows me around whining or trying to convince me otherwise. If I tell him to go...

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Moody Blues

Posted on 4/27/2024

Our 10-year-old son has started having huge mood swings. He gets easily angry, grumpy, and irritable. What is the best way to handle mood swings? We provide consequences for misbehavior, but how...

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Frustration Stifles Change

Posted on 4/14/2024

I am feeling a great sense of failure because I've been trying to apply John’s principles for most of my child's life and this is where we are: <uL> <il>• 16-year-old son is addicted to his...

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Son and Mom Problem

Posted on 4/9/2024

Hi. 13-Year-old boy. Home school, avid reader, no screens, movies on weekend. Tennis player. Plays outside. I love everything Rosemond. But I have never been great at putting it into effect. My...

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The Grass Really Isn’t Greener on the Other Side

Posted on 3/25/2024

My 10-year-old daughter seems always to think the grass is greener somewhere else. For example, we homeschool, which she enjoys, but often expresses her wish to return to regular school, and when...

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"Special Tantrum Place" for Tantrums

Posted on 2/28/2024

My son (21 months) is in full blown “terrible twos.” He does lots of throwing fits. When they happen he gets a swat on the bottom and has to sit in his bed until he will be sweet and say he’s...

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Disruptive Diner

Posted on 2/21/2024

Our youngest child is 5 and was adopted as an infant (not a newborn). He has strong food preferences. Our other boys (biological) eat well; they can be picky at times, but we don't fix special...

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Require Independent Play

Posted on 2/17/2024

We are trying to promote our kids to be more independent with regards to their play. They are all boys ages 9, 7 and 5. They can play independently, but still want me to play with them and often...

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Teaching Manners to a Five-Year-Old

Posted on 2/7/2024

During a recent visit to a private school we are considering sending our daughter to, I found it difficult to have a conversation with the school staff due to my daughter's constant whining and...

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Climbing Toddlers

Posted on 11/1/2023

I have two very busy little people (2.5 and 1.5). They are very curious and love to explore but can also be naughty at times. Christmas time will be coming soon and I love to decorate for it. But...

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When AlphaMom is in the Room

Posted on 10/30/2023

My 2.5-year-old son keeps asking, " are you happy?" when I am firm or use "Alpha Speech." I'm not exactly sure how to answer or even if i should answer the question. I don't want him to think my...

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Character over emotions for 5yo

Posted on 10/16/2023

Our 5 year old shows signs of anxiety, and especially separation anxiety. It started when he was two, we moved 5 homes in 6 months (transitioning from the mission field) Bedtimes can be...

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Adjusting the Attitude

Posted on 10/13/2023

Are there any Rosemond certified therapists on the island of Oahu? I've read several of John's books and am still having trouble with my 2 kids, especially my soon to be 13 yrs old son. He was a...

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2nd Grader Can't Keep Hands to Himself

Posted on 10/8/2023

My 2nd grade child struggles with keeping his hands to himself in school, a problem we've encountered for the past 2 years. We've actively collaborated with his teachers each year and introduced a...

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5yo being a 5 yo

Posted on 10/3/2023

Our 5 year old son is extremely emotional, and has no governor on his emotions. We don't expect him to have control over his emotions at this age, but we also do not know what is age-appropriate,...

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You're Going to Learn to Use the Toilet Today

Posted on 9/22/2023

Today I have started potty training my almost 16 month boy. I’m a little overwhelmed but felt that the time was right. Am I supposed to still use diapers when he sleeps and just focus on day...

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Testing 1 2 3

Posted on 8/17/2023

My children (2 and 1) are very used to having their grandparents around all the time since we currently live together while we try to find a house. My parents are away for about 10 days and the...

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Head Hurter

Posted on 7/12/2023

When my 22-month-old son is told no, he will usually obey but he will take his fist and hit the side of his head (hard!) repeatedly or will start running until he falls and then will bang his head...

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Is spanking working for us or not?

Posted on 6/15/2023

My husband and I believe in spanking but I don’t like doing it very often. We have a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. If the our son is pulling out books, messes with my glasses, or refuses...

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Making Alpha Speech Work & Starting Tickets

Posted on 4/6/2023

I want to start using the ticket system with my 3 year old, and I know which behavior I want to target first, not doing as I ask. Like when I tell him to stop doing something, or go to the...

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Should You Expect Eye Contact from 18 MO?

Posted on 4/3/2023

Hello, my son is 18 months of age. When I am giving him an instruction I usually make him give me eye contact, sometimes he listens sometimes he does not. What age is best to enforce eye contact...

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Not getting his way head banger.

Posted on 3/16/2023

Hi, My 18 month old son will bang his head against me when I am carrying him if he is angry or does not get his way. For example after playing outside, I will announce it is time to go inside and...

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When 'Because I said so' isn't stopping the conversation

Posted on 3/12/2023

We have a twelve-year old son that has trouble taking no for an answer. The question is asked, we say "no", and the "why" comes out. We follow that with "because I said so". He refuses to take...

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Who's in Charge?

Posted on 12/29/2022

I have a 4 year old and a 15 month old. About 6 months ago he was misbehaving and we did the card system. It worked well. He is very good at school (just preschool 3 mornings a week) and with our...

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Posted on 8/16/2022

We have a 2-year-old that refuses to listen and his favorite answer is no. For example, just this morning I was trying to get him ready to go to daycare and I asked him to sit down so I could...

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Time to Change Course with 3-Year-Old

Posted on 7/12/2022

My 3 year old son has been defiant more lately. He will run away when I tell him to do something he doesn't want to. He did this around bed time recently and I said ok you're going straight to...

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Ticket System questions

Posted on 6/22/2022

I have some questions regarding the ticket system for a 3.5 year old. 1. What if he loses all of his tickets at the end of the day? One time he lost his last ticket but it was right before...

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3-Year-Old in Hyper Mode

Posted on 6/22/2022

My 3.5 year old will get hyper and annoying when he is overtired or overexcited. When he’s in a “hyper mode”, he’s running around, trying to roughhouse, jumping into people, being loud and...

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Good Cop Bad Cop

Posted on 6/6/2022

Ongoing tiff with Husband. Example scenario: 3 1/2 year old daughter is harassing 1 1/2 year old daughter and is put in timeout in her room. Every time she's in timeout she's screaming and losing...

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Bedtime Monsters

Posted on 5/15/2022

My 9 year old won’t go to bed at night, constantly crying about monsters etc which has never been an issue before. It seems to be one thing after the other. If he could sleep in my bed he would...

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No Response is a Response: Let Them Be Silly

Posted on 4/21/2022

How do we teach our children to stop the constant silly talk/noises? One child is diagnosed with ADHD, autism, etc. I've set up a rule that the first 30 minutes after wakeup and the last 30...

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Let 3-Year-Old Know You Mean Business!

Posted on 4/19/2022

My child is 3 and a half and has started talking back and hitting. Putting him in his room doesn't help. He comes right out. Suggestions?

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Parents Need To Be on The Same Page

Posted on 4/14/2022

In order to apply garden kick, should both parents sit down with the child and go over all the consequences for breaking family rules? One issue with my daughter is phone, I had asked her phone...

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Exhausted and Longing for Peace

Posted on 4/4/2022

Discovering your books has put us on a new trajectory in our family after years of struggle with our "high misbehavior" 5 year old. For several months we've used the ticket system and "kicked him...

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Parenting Season Transition: From Service to Leadership

Posted on 3/22/2022

My daughter just turned two. She's a good little girl but most definitely a typical rambunctious toddler. I'm having trouble getting her to listen and obey without telling her multiple times. I...

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Wake-Up Call Needed ASAP

Posted on 3/20/2022

Our 9-year-old is perfectly functional in a school setting (no issues with socializing, is meeting most benchmarks, is polite and caring). At home and when we are in public as a family, it is...

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Season transition: Service to Leadership

Posted on 3/13/2022

My daughter just turned two. She's a good little girl but most definitely a typical rambunctious toddler. I'm having trouble getting her to listen and obey without telling her multiple times or...

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Conquering 3-Year-Old's Ups and Downs (otherwise known as 'Bedtime Avoidance')

Posted on 1/30/2022

Any good ideas how to limit the I need a drink, I need to potty, I need....bedtime avoidance for 3 year olds?

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Silly Bedtime Brothers

Posted on 1/18/2022

Our older two boys, 5 and 7, go crazy at bedtime. They are silly, which is fine, but in being silly they make messes and are often disrespectful. After going to bed, we can hear them laughing and...

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Perfect time for a reset

Posted on 1/18/2022

Our 9yo girls currently rule the roost. They speak to us flippantly, complain constantly, whine and pester after receiving a "no" answer, expect others to fetch/carry for them, ignore directives...

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Put the Brakes on 2.5-Year-Old Thrower

Posted on 12/27/2021

My non verbal 2.5 year old is a thrower. Especially at the face. She will throw toys in my face. She will throw her food and cutlery at my 8 year old son in the face. I don’t know what to do,...

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What to do when he says, "no"

Posted on 12/10/2021

Our third son is turning 3 in about a week. He has started saying "no" when we tell him to do something, and then runs away when we try to discipline him. We have been resorting to spanking...

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Awakened Mom Wants Respectful 8 year old Son

Posted on 11/24/2021

I have a 7, almost 8 year old son, who has not ever been appropriately disciplined and has developed into a challenging and, dare I say, entitled child. He has little respect for me and when I...

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8-Year-Old Ruling the Roost (Follow-up)

Posted on 11/24/2021

Okay in regards to my prior question. I purchased the book. Thank you. Can you please tell me some examples of what you mean right now so I can start turning the tables ASAP! Instead of...

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8-Year-Old Ruling the Roost

Posted on 11/18/2021

Our 8 year old daughter is very challenging. Disrespectful. Her response to small inconveniences or demands is disproportionate/ over exaggerated to say the least. Rude to other children, when...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 2.