
Why Is My 5 Year Old a Mean Girl?

Posted on 5/7/2024

Our 5-year-old daughter has been acting aggressively towards others (classmates in school AND her 7-year-old brother) when either she doesn't like what they do or they won't let her do whatever...

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Troubled Teen/Perplexed Parents

Posted on 10/30/2023

Hello, We have a problem dealing with our 15 yr old son's violent behavior when we take his phone or he gets grounded. He has been caught taking his older brother's car late at night (without...

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5yo being a 5 yo

Posted on 10/3/2023

Our 5 year old son is extremely emotional, and has no governor on his emotions. We don't expect him to have control over his emotions at this age, but we also do not know what is age-appropriate,...

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Wrong Place? Wrong Time?

Posted on 9/13/2023

My grandson is 32 months old. He’s been in a Christian preschool for the last 3 weeks. The teacher often sends texts and reports to my daughter (mom) about the grandson shoving, hitting, and...

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Posted on 9/12/2023

We have a 7.5yo son with a habit of yelling/screaming/whining at us when we attempt to talk to him at times when he is misbehaving or breaking family rules. We can barely get the first words out...

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When will sharing 'click'

Posted on 9/12/2023

When I hear my two little people (2 and 15 months) arguing, fussing, yelling, etc. at each other in the play room, should I go investigate and discipline whoever is in the wrong (if one sibling...

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Posted on 9/11/2023

Per the answer to my previous question, I started the picky eating program with all my kids a about a week ago. Where I need clarification is that my main concern is my 10 y/o son. He is a...

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Head Hurter

Posted on 7/12/2023

When my 22-month-old son is told no, he will usually obey but he will take his fist and hit the side of his head (hard!) repeatedly or will start running until he falls and then will bang his head...

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A 9-yr old, 3D's and the PKR

Posted on 6/16/2023

We are having issues with our almost 9 year old son, the oldest of 3 boys. He is increasingly disrespectful, stirring up trouble with his brothers, being physically violent with us and his...

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Oh, Those Terrible Twos!

Posted on 6/10/2023

I have a daughter (2 years old) and a son (1 year old). They love each other and generally play together well. But recently my daughter has started shoving, hitting, pushing, and biting her...

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Posted on 5/27/2023

Hi, I have read and love “making the terrible twos terrific”. I have also read through many of the questions on aggression/defiance but still need some clarification. My 20 month old will bang...

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Not getting his way head banger.

Posted on 3/16/2023

Hi, My 18 month old son will bang his head against me when I am carrying him if he is angry or does not get his way. For example after playing outside, I will announce it is time to go inside and...

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Unsolicited Advice?

Posted on 2/26/2023

Our son and daughter in law were telling us their 4 year old son (our grandson) hits his mom when he gets angry. She said she puts him in his room and he kicks and screams and throws a fit and...

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Progress isn't Linear

Posted on 2/16/2023

After a wonderful 2 hours of the morning, my son was sent to his room again around 8am for jumping on and scratching his dad while dad and the baby were on the couch. However, we had to go to a...

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Silly in school and aggressive at home

Posted on 2/16/2023

Hello- my son is six years old and in the first grade. With his birthday he’s a little younger for the grade but seems very immature. He makes weird noises in class and tries to be silly when most...

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Posted on 2/10/2023

My 3 year old son has many of the misbehaviors possible for his age. Before I found your books I assumed he would "grow out of them" and now I laugh at my past self for thinking that. Hitting...

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Posted on 2/9/2023

My son will be 3 in 10 days. Hitting and biting has become a large problem since my second son was born 5 months ago. It seems he hits the baby when the baby to get attention. He also hits and...

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Posted on 2/9/2023

I put my just about 3 year old in his room for the first time today for hitting his 5 month old brother. He keeps opening the door and/or coming out of the room. Each time he does, I bring him...

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Aggressive 4-Year-Old Boy

Posted on 9/19/2022

My 4 yr old is aggressive, the gentle parenting we have been sold isn't working for this. I have just read your work and as of yestersday have been confining my son to his room if he hits/is...

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3 Year Old boy Testing the Limits

Posted on 6/20/2022

My 3.5 year old boy has responded very well to the card system! 3 cards lost and spend the rest of the day in your room. He also knows that hitting/kicking a person /the wall would be game over...

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Posted on 4/15/2022

Our 15-year-old threw a fit, including punching, cursing and breaking things during following incidents: 1) Took away make up after sneak purchase of $200 worth of make up without our...

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8-Year-Old Needs the Ticket to Self Control

Posted on 4/4/2022

My 8-year-old has a severe temper. He is the third out of six children, and we are homeschooling the other five. He will spend a week at my mother's house and is calm there, but when he gets back...

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How to Stop Toddler From Hitting Younger Sibling

Posted on 3/11/2022

Hi. Our oldest daughter is 3yrs 2mo old. Our youngest daughter is 11mo. Within the past month or so, our oldest daughter has started hitting and pushing our youngest daughter. Oftentimes this...

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How To Keep Your Child in His/Her Room

Posted on 2/1/2022

We are trying the ticket system with our 3 yr old son. Tonight, he went to bed early after throwing something at me (a major offense). At first we left his bedroom door open but he kept coming out...

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10-Year-Old's Hitting Needs to Hit the Road for Good

Posted on 1/28/2022

We are currently using the ticket system to deal with two target behaviors. Hitting is not one of them. My 10-year-old daughter hit her four-year-old sister. This behavior does not happen very...

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Perfect time for a reset

Posted on 1/18/2022

Our 9yo girls currently rule the roost. They speak to us flippantly, complain constantly, whine and pester after receiving a "no" answer, expect others to fetch/carry for them, ignore directives...

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Posted on 12/30/2021

We have an 8-year-old son who throws violent tantrums. He has always been “a handful” so these fits aren’t anything new, they’re less frequent but much more destructive. In the past, we had a...

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Put the Brakes on 2.5-Year-Old Thrower

Posted on 12/27/2021

My non verbal 2.5 year old is a thrower. Especially at the face. She will throw toys in my face. She will throw her food and cutlery at my 8 year old son in the face. I don’t know what to do,...

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8-Year-Old Ruling the Roost (Follow-up)

Posted on 11/24/2021

Okay in regards to my prior question. I purchased the book. Thank you. Can you please tell me some examples of what you mean right now so I can start turning the tables ASAP! Instead of...

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A Sock in the Crotch: Focus on the Sock, not the Crotch

Posted on 11/12/2021

I did not find this on the very long list of topics so here goes: got a call from the teacher of my 6-year old grandson who said he is super bright- math and reading ( not sure if this is relevant...

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Five Year Old Slugger

Posted on 11/1/2021

Hello! We have a 5 year old who has been having some big problems hitting his parents and tutor. Although we have been using the ticket system for several months, his yelling and physicality have...

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15 year old Daughter in Fistfight

Posted on 10/8/2021

15 year old daughter in a fistfight at school. Her story changes but the gist of it is that a girl she hadn't seen in 3 years wanted to talk to her (I doubt they hadn't spoken to each other in 3...

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4 year old terrorist wearing out her family

Posted on 9/23/2021

Our 4 year old daughter has become a complete terrorist. She has always been difficult and challenging but it’s only getting worse by the day. We have always been strict parents and have...

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Granny is Tired of 7 Year Olds Nightly Walks

Posted on 8/21/2021

My granddaughter lives with me, along with her two children The 7 year old boy is a tough case. His mother and I do NOT parent anything alike. This boy gets up almost every night and roams the...

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Consistency is the key to success

Posted on 8/10/2021

I have a 6 yo daughter and 3 yo son. Daughter is often "mean" to son verbally. His 3 yr old talkativeness bothers her, and she frequently shouts at him ("be quiet!" etc.) My and wife's approach...

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Do What You Can Do

Posted on 7/30/2021

My stepsons are 12 and 14. We also have a 4 and 2 year old. Their mother has been generally uncooperative and at times hostile to us, and treats the boys very differently. She doesn’t seem to like...

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Things You Can't Change

Posted on 7/25/2021

One of the moms in our play date group does not believe in disciplining her children. Her 4 year old son has meltdowns, takes toys from other children, and BITES when he doesn’t get his way. When...

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Toddler's Hitting Problem

Posted on 7/13/2021

My 2 almost 3 year old daughter has a problem with hitting how can I help her ?

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Aggression Toward Family Pet Is Unacceptable

Posted on 6/15/2021

Help…my 5 year old kicked our 6 month old puppy so hard I think his leg may be broken. I am disturbed beyond words. Heartbroken and feel like I’m a horrible parent. She first lied and said he...

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The Preschooler: in her Untamed Primal Glory--Part 2

Posted on 5/19/2021

Hi, I am submitting a follow-up response in regard to my question from 5/6/21 entitled "The Preschooler: in her Untamed Primal Glory". This was answered by Mike Smart. Thank you for your...

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The Preschooler: in her Untamed Primal Glory

Posted on 5/6/2021

My 3.5 year old daughter is having issues at Preschool and nothing we do seems to help. She will have days where her behavior is good and then other days she gets in trouble (throwing things,...

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She's Got an Arm!

Posted on 4/13/2021

My 2 year old daughter is throwing anything and everything she can find when she feels upset or does not get her way ... any advice? We have tried ignoring it but she just grabs more things to...

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2-Year-Old's Aggressive Behavior Is Unacceptable

Posted on 2/15/2021

Hello! I have two kids. Boy: Almost 3 (in May) Girl: 1 and 2 months old Boy is hitting girl, knocks her over and laughs when he does it. How can I approach this adequately?

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Two Year Old is a Whole Different Animal!

Posted on 12/11/2020

Good morning. My husband and I have six children, ranging 3 months to 9 years. Our first son Ryan Samuel is 2 years old as of October 4. He is a whole different animal compared to the girls. We...

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Loss of Grandfather Angers 13 year old Granddaughter

Posted on 12/5/2020

My 13 year old grandchild has been mad about everything since her grandfather died last year. Her grades are suffering and she has no interest in anything except playing on her phone. She has...

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Two-Year-Old Shows His Ugly Side

Posted on 11/20/2020

My 24 month old is usually pretty good. I previously used time outs to train him out of hitting and food throwing. However, he will get into this “drunk” state, where he is simultaneously...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 8.