Son and Mom Problem
Posted on 4/9/2024
Hi. 13-Year-old boy. Home school, avid reader, no screens, movies on weekend. Tennis player. Plays outside. I love everything Rosemond. But I have never been great at putting it into effect. My...
Read MoreResponding to opposing viewpoints
Posted on 1/9/2024
A while back my kids had done wrong and so I spanked them, prayed with them, hugged them and told them that I love them. That’s how my parents did with me. A person I am close to said I should...
Read MoreIs spanking working for us or not?
Posted on 6/15/2023
My husband and I believe in spanking but I don’t like doing it very often. We have a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. If the our son is pulling out books, messes with my glasses, or refuses...
Read MoreSpanking memories
Posted on 4/3/2023
My husband used to spank our son (now 15) when our son was younger for things that I would not consider spank worthy (ie. not paying attention at a sports practice when he was 7). I'm sure I...
Read MoreGet Creative
Posted on 7/24/2022
Greetings! Our usually cheerful and happy 4yo daughter does not seem to react normally to punishment. At first she gets upset and cries, but very shortly into a time out or being sent to her room...
Read MoreTicket System questions
Posted on 6/22/2022
I have some questions regarding the ticket system for a 3.5 year old. 1. What if he loses all of his tickets at the end of the day? One time he lost his last ticket but it was right before...
Read More19 Month Old Laughs When Hitting and Pulling Mom's Hair
Posted on 9/24/2021
My 19 month old is very advanced for her age, other than her language which is on track. But she’s already entered her “terrible” two phase and she hits and pulls my hair and laughs about it. I...
Read More4 year old terrorist wearing out her family
Posted on 9/23/2021
Our 4 year old daughter has become a complete terrorist. She has always been difficult and challenging but it’s only getting worse by the day. We have always been strict parents and have...
Read MoreLock Up
Posted on 6/15/2021
I am reading through John’s terrific 2 book and he mentions using child locks on kitchen cabinet doors etc but I am in rented accommodation and not allowed to put fitted child locks on the kitchen...
Read MorePublic Nuisance
Posted on 3/7/2021
Hi! My daughter will be five in May. Her attention-seeking behavior when she's escalating are easy to deal with at home. We don't feed into it. However, when we're in public, it's a challenge....
Read MoreAlpha Speech is Needed - 3 Year Old Never Satisfied
Posted on 1/6/2021
Hello, We have 3yo twins, boy and girl. So let’s say there are good days and bad days: good days means he is in good mood, smiling, playing, and behaving - this is 20-30% of the time. The bad...
Read MoreEnd Micromanagement of Grades by Lowering the Boom
Posted on 10/15/2019
I have two sons (13 and 14 years old) and one step son (12 years old). They've gone to a Christian school their whole lives and are all saved. My issue is with my 13 year old. He is very smart as...
Read MoreDinner Time Battle of the Wills
Posted on 9/16/2019
My 3 year old daughter has developed a bad habit at dinner time. Although she’s usually pretty good to try new foods, every now and then she will - for some unknown reason - hold a bite of food in...
Read MoreWild Child
Posted on 8/17/2019
We recently started he ticket system with our 3 and 5 year old children. It has worked well with our 5 year old but our three year old has lost all his tickets multiple times. Often, the loss of...
Read More2 year old's Preschool teacher demands he wear pullups
Posted on 8/15/2018
After reading Toilet Training without Tantrums by Rosemond, we went straight to underwear with our 2.5 year old. He has transitioned to another class at daycare, and the teacher feels he isn't...
Read MoreOverwhelmed Mom wants to take back her authority, but can't stop yelling
Posted on 8/7/2018
My son is extremely defiant and NOTHING we have tried thus far has made a difference. Spanking him has to be done several times over, and is always accompanied by screaming, blaming, back-talk,...
Read MoreShould you spank a preschooler?
Posted on 3/29/2018
When is spanking appropriate with a 3yo?
Read MoreSpanking
Posted on 3/30/2016
My spouse picks up the kids (ages 6 & 8) from their afterschool program one day a week. This week he confirmed with kids they had their homework, lunch boxes, etc. before leaving. After arriving...
Read More4 yo Driving Mom Crazy!
Posted on 3/22/2016
I am at a loss at what my exact question is, because pretty much all of my just-turned-four-year-old's behavior is confusing me. Suddenly in the past several months, every I say is wrong; if I say...
Read MoreFour Year old not listening
Posted on 3/31/2015
My four year old son is having a very difficult time listening to adults and doing what we say. About three weeks ago we started having him go to his room right after dinner because he was not...
Read More3 yo tantrums and defiance
Posted on 4/30/2014
My daughter (35 months old) is usually an obedient and a happy child who is eager to please. She seems to have come out of the terrible twos. She has recently started family daycare just once a...
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