
What mom says GOES!

Posted on 6/26/2024

Hello, I have a son who is 2.5 and my daughter who is 17 months. My son was a great listener when we were out and he was not in a stroller. If we say no or stop he would listen or come back to...

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My Daughter is Refusing Foods at Mealtime

Posted on 3/21/2024

Hello, my 13-month-old is refusing to eat what we are serving her at lunch or dinner. She has no problems with the eggs in the morning even when I add vegetables or meats. She will either just...

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Posted on 1/19/2024

At what age can I use the ticket method or “three strikes, you’re out”? With kids 2.5 & 1.5 I don’t know of very many consequences that make sense at this point. I make them go to their bed if...

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You're Going to Learn to Use the Toilet Today

Posted on 9/22/2023

Today I have started potty training my almost 16 month boy. I’m a little overwhelmed but felt that the time was right. Am I supposed to still use diapers when he sleeps and just focus on day...

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How to Purge the Toys

Posted on 8/25/2023

I have 2 boys aged 5 and 3 and a 1-year-old girl. We are trying to reduce the number of toys we have by gifting the toys we don't need anymore. However, I am finding it difficult to decide which...

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15 month doing what 15 months do

Posted on 8/9/2023

My son (almost 15 months) is having anger issues. If I (or some other adult in his life) set him down in the play area so we can go get things done, he often will get very angry. He will roar with...

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Don't stop, keep going.

Posted on 7/18/2023

We started potty training our 17-month old daughter last week, and we are on day 9. Yesterday she had 24 successes and 7 accidents for pee, but she is still pooping only on the floor. Today she is...

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Train Them Up

Posted on 7/11/2023

Our family doctor was shocked when I started potty training our daughter at 16 months old and she is mostly potty trained now (she’s a few months past 2). With my son (13 months old) the doctor...

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1 and 2-year olds scared of vacuum

Posted on 6/28/2023

My kids (2 yr and 1 yr) are both terrified of the vacuum. I thought that the older one was less scared and was getting over the fear but then she suddenly went back to crying and sometimes almost...

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Book Etiquette and Two Year Olds

Posted on 6/27/2023

My daughter (2) has done pretty well in being gentle with books. But recently she has started tearing pages and biting books. It doesn’t matter if they are normal books or board books, she is hard...

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Is spanking working for us or not?

Posted on 6/15/2023

My husband and I believe in spanking but I don’t like doing it very often. We have a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. If the our son is pulling out books, messes with my glasses, or refuses...

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18 month old protests potty training

Posted on 3/27/2023

I’m potty training my 18 month old boy. In your book, you state to not get into a power struggle if he is refusing to get on the toilet. But to be authoritative with telling him we go poop/pee on...

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Posted on 3/18/2023

A one year old screams through the night and doesn’t sleep. What do I do?

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Posted on 3/14/2023

Re my previous question about my 15 mos. granddaughter grunting. We do let her feed herself with help and she is fine with that. She'll grunt loudly because it's not being placed in front of her...

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Grunting Granddaughter

Posted on 3/11/2023

My 15 mos granddaughter will grunt loudly if you're not getting her food fast enough or if you ask her to repeat a word or action she's recently learned. It's as if she's saying, "I've done it...

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Posted on 3/9/2023

We understand that a child is best served by receiving personal attention for their first three years before starting regular daycare. However, could outside care still be beneficial by age two?...

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To Share or Not to Share - That is the Question

Posted on 9/18/2022

What are the pros and cons for sibling room sharing? I wonder if I should make my 11 month old share a room with the 2.5 year old. P.S. The 2.5 year old is completely potty trained. Thanks for...

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Need more banger Info please!

Posted on 9/14/2022

We read the Q&A on "10 month boy bangs head" which is exactly what our son does except he's now 18 months old and has been doing it for so long he literally has a unicorn bump growing on his head....

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Toilet Training Takes Time

Posted on 8/1/2022

Hello, we started potty training our 18-month-old nine days ago and have had little progress. I've read John's book on toilet training, and I feel like we're doing all he recommends but think we...

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Toilet Training Guidance

Posted on 7/30/2022

My son is 17 months and I’ve been trying to toilet train him for 6 days using the “naked and $75” technique outlined in the “Toilet Training Without Tantrums” book. I have yet to see notable...

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Keep It Simple

Posted on 7/13/2022

I’m a single mother of a 2.5 year old. Her father has never been in the picture at all. She’s starting to notice other kids have a dad and she doesn’t. How do I explain his absence to her and...

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Saying "Bye-Bye" to Binkie

Posted on 2/25/2022

What age should children stop using a binkie? Our 3-year-old still loves his for night only. Any ideas how to approach taking it away?

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Should We Let Newborn "Cry It Out"?

Posted on 2/21/2022

We are new parents of a three-week old girl. As we've been reading the "New Parent Power!," we've been focusing on "Part 2," which gives guidance for the stages. For infants, it seems that John...

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Consistency is Key to Re-establishing Nighttime Sleep Routine

Posted on 1/8/2022

I sleep trained my second when he was 11 months old, then we went on vacation and fell back into the bad habit of letting him sleep in our bed. He is now 14 months old, I’m pregnant and due in...

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Mom Needs Nighttime Nightmare To End!

Posted on 5/25/2021

I have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and 1 yr old - all boys - who share a room. We have a 2 bedroom house so there is no other option - we have a parent room and a boy room. The 1 yr old used to share our...

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Early Intervention Resources

Posted on 5/22/2021

Hi, It is so hard to tell who the scammers are and who are legitimate in the "medical" realm. I have a friend who has a son who has all the classic symptoms of actual autism, but his Dr. has not...

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2 year old Hair Cut Anxiety

Posted on 5/21/2021

Hello, my son is 2 years and 3 months old. He has not had a full evaluation for autism yet but is showing signs and is nonverbal. He is in desperate need of a haircut but anytime we have taken him...

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Toddler Needs Help Working Through Separation Anxiety

Posted on 3/29/2021

My 15 month old daughter will cry and cry if my husband and I wont pick her up or give her all of our attention. This isn't feasible since we have things we have to get done. How can we help her...

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Potty Training

Posted on 3/15/2021

We are toilet training our 18 month old son. He has sat on the small potty many times, peed in it a few times, mostly he refuses to sit on it. He is clearly capable of what is being asked of him....

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Too Soon for Discipline?

Posted on 2/22/2021

Is it too early to discipline a 13 month old? My son is hitting & screaming A LOT and I swat his little hands when he hits and it does not phase him... Little swats on his bum do not phase him...

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Toddler Fun

Posted on 1/26/2021

Advice for dealing with 16 month old toddler boy who is beginning to have tantrums and throw himself down when he doesn’t get his way. It it too early for a time out chair?

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Transitions Require Planning and Patience

Posted on 9/30/2020

Here's a question about a 1-year-old who has always slept in his mom's bed and got to breastfeed as often as he likes: How to get him to sleep in a crib? We live in a two-bedroom apartment with...

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Homeschool help for sick mom of 7-yo boy

Posted on 9/19/2020

I am a single parent with a 7 year old and 1 year old. I plan to relocate back to our home town once I buy a house, hopefully by Christmas unless covid and other unexpected issues arise that delay...

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Unwell Mom Struggles with Screen Time Abuse

Posted on 9/19/2020

I am really unwell at the moment and my son is being kept home from school, I also have a 1 year old. I am trying to look after both while I get through this illness. Discipline has slided and...

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Sleeping Like a Baby

Posted on 5/14/2020

Sleep training... Our 4 and a half month old is dependent on his pacifier for all sleeping and has physically hurt himself by rolling over on it w/ his face numerous times and I am so tired of...

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Trust your instincts

Posted on 5/11/2020

I've read a little bit about what John Rosemond says about a parent's duties for the first couple years of life (specifically birth up to 18 months) and he says that it's important to for the...

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Nightmares vs. Night Terrors

Posted on 4/13/2020

My daughter and I are mystified. Her 15 month old has begun waking during sleep, nighttime or nap time, with screaming. During the night he will do this 2-3 times and go back to sleep. During naps...

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Relax - it's toilet training

Posted on 3/26/2020

Toilet Training My daughter is 18 months old and tiny. At 6 months, she'd crawl to get her diapering products after pooping. So I've been thrilled to train her early. She is just big enough...

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Nip It Now

Posted on 3/10/2020

My 16 month old has started occasionally hitting his father and me in the face (not super hard). He thinks it’s funny when I grab his arm to prevent him from hitting me; he thinks it’s a great...

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15 month old loves to throw!

Posted on 2/11/2020

My 15 month old loves to throw things. I am looking for guidance on whether this is behavior that needs to be contained or controlled. He still crawls, and throwing and chasing objects is one of...

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Are Family Beds Healthy for the Marriage?

Posted on 2/8/2020

John's "Thought of the Day" said that good parents take very good care of their marriage. I wonder how he feels about "co-sleeping" with a new baby and if that is harmful to the marriage. I want...

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Nightime potty training

Posted on 2/5/2020

I am reading Toilet Training without tantrums and I don’t see where it addresses nighttime. Do I put my child in underpants for naps and bedtime even though he’s not potty trained yet?

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Family beds - are they healthy?

Posted on 2/3/2020

John's thought of the day saying that good parents take very good care of their marriage! I am wondering how he feels about "co sleeping" w/ a new baby, if that is harmful to the marriage or not....

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Mom Wants 13-Month-Old to Stop Screaming

Posted on 1/20/2020

Hi. I am having some difficulties with my 13-month-old. He is stubborn, disobedient and he screams quite a bit if he doesn’t get his way. He does not yet talk, and I was told that screaming is his...

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Toddler's Frustration with Confinement is Understandable

Posted on 1/19/2020

My 15 month grandson spends a lot of time in a corral to keep him away from things where he can be hurt. This morning he began shaking the corral, pushed it into a wall, kept shaking and pushing,...

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Solving Baby Sleep Issue

Posted on 1/18/2020

Not sure if this is your expertise or not but our 10 month old has been giving us some grief at night with sleep. He generally does okay when we let him cry to sleep but some nights he wakes up...

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Who is in charge here?

Posted on 1/14/2020

My 13 month old loves his bottle and milk. He regularly drinks over the recommended amount of milk. He also does not hold his own bottle. He will drink water out of several types of sippy cups,...

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Mommy Guilt Not Helping Anyone

Posted on 11/30/2019

I have a 5 month old daughter who likes to be held and cuddled all day long. I love the cuddles and I am trying to make the most of this stage as I know how quickly it goes, and I deeply regret...

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Toddler Tests the Limits

Posted on 11/13/2019

My son is 11 months old today. When I tell him not to touch something, he will almost immediately touch the item. When he does, i remove the item from his hand and tell him that he is not allowed...

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Baby Won't Sleep

Posted on 10/20/2019

Hello, My son is 4.5 months old and having some major sleep issues. I'm going to try and summarize but would love some ideas on what I can try. Since he was born he's had sleep issue on and...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 4.