
Post Vacay Reset

Posted on 5/5/2024

We recently went on a trip that was 13 days long. There was lots of drive time as we went to see different friends, family, and attended a wedding. Before the trip I could see that our two kids (3...

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Son and Mom Problem

Posted on 4/9/2024

Hi. 13-Year-old boy. Home school, avid reader, no screens, movies on weekend. Tennis player. Plays outside. I love everything Rosemond. But I have never been great at putting it into effect. My...

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Teaching Manners to a Five-Year-Old

Posted on 2/7/2024

During a recent visit to a private school we are considering sending our daughter to, I found it difficult to have a conversation with the school staff due to my daughter's constant whining and...

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Don't Play with a 14-Year-Old

Posted on 12/29/2023

Long story short, after finding out my nearly 14 yr old daughter tells her stepmom how much she hates me and her stepfamily from my side and how much she wants to live with her dad I conceded and...

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When AlphaMom is in the Room

Posted on 10/30/2023

My 2.5-year-old son keeps asking, " are you happy?" when I am firm or use "Alpha Speech." I'm not exactly sure how to answer or even if i should answer the question. I don't want him to think my...

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Testing 1 2 3

Posted on 8/17/2023

My children (2 and 1) are very used to having their grandparents around all the time since we currently live together while we try to find a house. My parents are away for about 10 days and the...

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Balancing Adult Responsibilities and Quality Time with Young Children

Posted on 8/9/2023

I hear so much about how kids grow up so fast, how we need to enjoy them when they are young, how they need more one-on-one time, etc. I agree that they grow up fast and that it is important to...

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How to Balance Being a Wife, Mother, and Student

Posted on 7/13/2023

I will soon be beginning college classes (from home) but I’m wondering how to balance being a wife, child rearing, house keeping (and all the laundry and cooking), and find time to study and do my...

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Warts and All

Posted on 6/2/2023

My 6 year old son has some warts on his hands. He pitched a fit at the pediatric dermatologist today while getting his warts frozen off. He began screaming before the procedure even began. The...

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How Do I Teach My Children Manners?

Posted on 3/23/2023

Hello! I have three girls, ages (almost) 5, 7, and 9. I'd love to follow Mr. Rosemond's advice on teaching them one manner per week. How do you suggest I do this in practice? For example, one week...

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Cuddle Time

Posted on 3/10/2023

My son is 2 years and 1 month. For several months, he had been sleeping on his own throughout the night in his own bed without any issue. We place him in his bed, kiss him good night, walk out,...

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Unsolicited Advice?

Posted on 2/26/2023

Our son and daughter in law were telling us their 4 year old son (our grandson) hits his mom when he gets angry. She said she puts him in his room and he kicks and screams and throws a fit and...

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Anger Mismanagement

Posted on 1/4/2023

My 11.5 year old, quite academic son, is very respectful outside home and loved by his teachers. In past few years he is lacking anger management and becomes disrespectful (especially with mom)...

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Get Creative

Posted on 7/24/2022

Greetings! Our usually cheerful and happy 4yo daughter does not seem to react normally to punishment. At first she gets upset and cries, but very shortly into a time out or being sent to her room...

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Middle of the Night Potty Solution

Posted on 7/16/2022

My 3.5 year old has been potty trained since before he was 2. I read and generally used the Rosemond book. However, I didn’t do the night/nap training as my pediatrician said it was just...

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Keep It Simple

Posted on 7/13/2022

I’m a single mother of a 2.5 year old. Her father has never been in the picture at all. She’s starting to notice other kids have a dad and she doesn’t. How do I explain his absence to her and...

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Natural Consequences Are EffectiveTeachers

Posted on 7/9/2022

My 9 year old boy frequently acts like a baby and very odd in a socially unacceptable way like a feral child. When leaving his friends he will say “bye friends” in a silly voice. He also was...

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9 year old's Frequent Night Time Urinating Best Evaluated by Pediatrician

Posted on 6/26/2022

My 9-year-old frequently gets out of bed to go to the toilet at night. I don’t mind but our house is laid out that he has to leave his bedroom, come down the stairs, past our living room, dining...

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3-Year-Old in Hyper Mode

Posted on 6/22/2022

My 3.5 year old will get hyper and annoying when he is overtired or overexcited. When he’s in a “hyper mode”, he’s running around, trying to roughhouse, jumping into people, being loud and...

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Good Cop Bad Cop

Posted on 6/6/2022

Ongoing tiff with Husband. Example scenario: 3 1/2 year old daughter is harassing 1 1/2 year old daughter and is put in timeout in her room. Every time she's in timeout she's screaming and losing...

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Swimming Upstream

Posted on 6/2/2022

My 3.5 year old is a bit timid when it comes to physical things. For example, he won’t go down a slide, but then when I just shove him down it he has fun. My problem is swimming. Now I have an 8...

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Don't Overthink Autism Diagnosis

Posted on 5/22/2022

My 2.5-year-old daughter has a working diagnosis of autism. I’m finding it incredibly difficult to get my head around it. I do not want to sound unsympathetic, but how did this happen? Why are so...

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Bedtime Monsters

Posted on 5/15/2022

My 9 year old won’t go to bed at night, constantly crying about monsters etc which has never been an issue before. It seems to be one thing after the other. If he could sleep in my bed he would...

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Posted on 4/21/2022

Hi there! We deal with a very ungrateful, dramatic 7 year old. Whenever we do something special - play with friends, ice cream, park play, or maybe a combination of the three, and we’re coming...

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No Response is a Response: Let Them Be Silly

Posted on 4/21/2022

How do we teach our children to stop the constant silly talk/noises? One child is diagnosed with ADHD, autism, etc. I've set up a rule that the first 30 minutes after wakeup and the last 30...

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Parents Need To Be on The Same Page

Posted on 4/14/2022

In order to apply garden kick, should both parents sit down with the child and go over all the consequences for breaking family rules? One issue with my daughter is phone, I had asked her phone...

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Middle of the Night Snacks Prolonging Mealtime Battles

Posted on 3/20/2022

In September I asked for advice on my picky 2-year-old. For 6 months, I have consistently tried the methods recommended. I didn't fuss over meals, just gave him small amounts of whatever I made,...

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Don't Make a Mountain out of a Molehill

Posted on 3/18/2022

Ten year old son plays with his penis at bedtime. I go to his room at night time and finds him asleep with his hand in his pants. I've told him how wrong this is. Hoe can I get him to stop? He...

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Should We Let Newborn "Cry It Out"?

Posted on 2/21/2022

We are new parents of a three-week old girl. As we've been reading the "New Parent Power!," we've been focusing on "Part 2," which gives guidance for the stages. For infants, it seems that John...

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Parent vs. Grandparent Relationships

Posted on 2/15/2022

My husband and I love the John Rosemond way of parenting. We set rules and expect our kids to follow them. When my parents come around, they completely baby them because they "feel bad" and think...

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Silly Bedtime Brothers

Posted on 1/18/2022

Our older two boys, 5 and 7, go crazy at bedtime. They are silly, which is fine, but in being silly they make messes and are often disrespectful. After going to bed, we can hear them laughing and...

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One Day at a Time

Posted on 1/2/2022

I have a 22-month old boy and a 2-month old little girl. My husband is with the state national guard and started his basic training a month or so ago, is now back for Christmas, and will go back...

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Shy 7 Year Old

Posted on 12/31/2021

My 7 year old first-grader has trouble joining into social situations. He plays well with his 5 year old brother, but with peers, he goes off on his own, and will tell stories to himself (I...

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Rocked His World

Posted on 12/15/2021

Hello. My husband and I have two kids, one 20-month old boy and one 2-month old girl. The younger one is an easy baby and the older one likes his baby sister (exhibited by kissing her all the...

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Awakened Mom Wants Respectful 8 year old Son

Posted on 11/24/2021

I have a 7, almost 8 year old son, who has not ever been appropriately disciplined and has developed into a challenging and, dare I say, entitled child. He has little respect for me and when I...

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Transition from Nap Time to Quiet Time

Posted on 11/2/2021

Hi, our daughter is 2yrs, 10mo old. What age is appropriate for naps to go away? Our daughter fights naps nearly every day. The problem is that if she doesn’t get a nap is she gets extremely...

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Keep Potty Training Positive- Don't Punish For Accidents

Posted on 11/2/2021

Hi, our daughter is 2yrs 10mo old. We potty trained her 9 months ago using the “naked and $75” method from John Rosemond’s book Toilet Training Without Tantrums. Potty training clicked with her...

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Welcome to the Terrible Twos!

Posted on 10/21/2021

My just turned two year old was always an excellent sleeper after 4 months old, happily going to bed and staying there even through transition to adult bed. The past 4 days he has refused to lay...

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Time to Reboot

Posted on 9/25/2021

Mum burn out..I really struggle with following through because I am exhausted and will lose my temper by shouting, sometimes I want to lash out in violence because I’ve lost control but I haven’t...

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Let's Celebrate Independence Day! "Movin' On Up" may mean "Movin' on Out" for 19-yr old

Posted on 9/25/2021

My daughters boyfriend is the youngest child in his family. He is 19 and working a full time job and is a 2nd degree blackbelt and is involved in his dojo. Since he has been dating my daughter I...

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Granny is Tired of 7 Year Olds Nightly Walks

Posted on 8/21/2021

My granddaughter lives with me, along with her two children The 7 year old boy is a tough case. His mother and I do NOT parent anything alike. This boy gets up almost every night and roams the...

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"Anything for Attention and The Most Annoying Thing Ever"

Posted on 8/11/2021

I have a seven year old boy who is a copycat. There are adults around him who clear their throat, so now he is clearing his throat. It has become a habit and when he gets mad, he exaggerates it...

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You're in Charge

Posted on 8/6/2021

My son is 9 yo. Like his dad and me, he tends to be in the chunky side of the physique spectrum. Being an only child....not having permanent full time playmates makes it easy for him to not be as...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 6.