
How to Stop Being a Micromanager

Posted 4 days ago

Hi! So I’ve been perusing old questions and answers in your forum, and I’m coming to the distinct impression that I, myself, am a micromanager. Therefore, my first question is, it appears from...

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Trauma as an Excuse for Behavior

Posted 3 weeks ago

To start, please forgive me—I’m still a recovering “parenting-babble” believer. Which leads me to this question: we adopted two elementary-aged children out of foster care. The big bad wolf that...

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Not Listening the First Time

Posted on 3/20/2024

We believe in the necessity of our children obeying the first time they are told-without challenge, delay or excuse. However, we also wish to walk the tightrope of a loving, nourishing home,...

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Posted on 3/19/2024

Hi John, What are your thoughts on Positive Parenting Solutions? Thank you. Linda

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Posted on 2/21/2024

Hello. My youngest will start high school in the fall, so I'm thinking that I may go back to work in a few years which means it's a good time to start looking into a few options now. I'm very much...

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Parenting role confusion.

Posted on 2/20/2024

In his podcast, John often asserts that mothers are prone to gentle parenting and erroneous thinking that their children should "like" them. Since husbands/fathers should be leading, what advice...

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Posted on 1/9/2024

My mother always lived in fear of the CPS taking us away and she continues to live in fear of it happening to her grandchildren. She did her best to rise my brother and I right. I feel like she...

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Responding to opposing viewpoints

Posted on 1/9/2024

A while back my kids had done wrong and so I spanked them, prayed with them, hugged them and told them that I love them. That’s how my parents did with me. A person I am close to said I should...

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We have been duped.

Posted on 12/8/2023

Are sensory issues a real thing or a made up physiological thing? Growing up if I didn’t like the texture of my food or certain clothes I just had to deal with it and eat or wear it anyways. One...

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Turn to Tickets for Sibling Conflicts

Posted on 11/23/2023

I have 3 children (7, 5 & 4) who play very well together. They don't always get along well, and I'd like to do the chart system for them for the same behaviors (whining/tantrums, misusing...

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Posted on 10/27/2023

is Substack a different enrollment? I want to gift my adult children with both.

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Posted on 8/29/2023

My children are 4 (girl), 8 (boy) and 10 (boy). All of them are picky eaters and I want to start what John recommends in his book on how to "cure" that. My question is that I'm starting the...

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Posted on 8/29/2023

Thank you SO much for your advice. Things are going much better. A lot of the drama and stress has cut down. Both kids (2 and 15 months) are happier. I have been praying about it and seeking Godly...

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Parenting in Public

Posted on 8/9/2023

What do I do about disciplining and training bad behavior in public? In this confused world I don’t want people to think I’m being too strict, abusive, or unloving. But I have seen John’s stuff...

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On Psychiatric Diagnoses and Psychiatric Drugs

Posted on 7/31/2023

Just finished listening to John’s latest,’Because I Said So,’ entitled—The Politics of Psychiatric Diagnoses. Does the diagnosis of Schizophrenia which my son-in-law has received also fall under...

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Many discipline problems require a coach

Posted on 7/28/2023

As I'm sure you can see, we have submitted many questions over the years. Some things have improved. We have been more consistent with offering consequences and following through. However, we...

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How to Balance Being a Wife, Mother, and Student

Posted on 7/13/2023

I will soon be beginning college classes (from home) but I’m wondering how to balance being a wife, child rearing, house keeping (and all the laundry and cooking), and find time to study and do my...

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Bible Parenting Code Pre-Order Question

Posted on 7/5/2023

Good day, I paid for a book that John was still busy with, some time ago and was wondering when I will receive it? Regards, Norman Silva.

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Spread the Word!

Posted on 6/21/2023

My Mama used John’s ideas on my brother and I when we were teenagers. We used to listen to CDs of his lectures for fun because we liked his humor but didn’t like it when Mama listened to it...

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Why Are Millennials the Most Entitled Generation?

Posted on 6/14/2023

Do you think Millennials have the strongest sense of entitlement because their parents were too concerned with building up their children's self-esteem?

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Get to Work!

Posted on 6/12/2023

The "K-12 to college" track offers few opportunities to try new trades and create things aside from computer programs. School runs all day as a daycare for two working parents, but most employers...

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Posted on 5/29/2023

Husband has had a cell phone for as long as we've been married (16 years). He will not admit to anyone at work he has a phone - he doesn't want calls in the middle of the night (nature of his job...

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How to Stop Micro-Managing Playtime

Posted on 5/25/2023

In Mr. Rosemond's most recent podcast on 'The Good Mommy Club, he states that children shouldn't be told how to play because it comes naturally. I find myself micro-managing my daughters when I...

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A Parent Coach's View

Posted on 5/14/2023

Hello, My fiancée loved the passage below as she indicated it was spot on for her view of raising her kids. What is a parenting coaches view of the passage? Their mom does NOT want to...

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Question About 7 Biggest Mistakes Video Series

Posted on 4/28/2023

Is the video series “7 Biggest Mistakes parents make” on Disc or is it a “streamed” series?

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Posted on 4/22/2023

I am wondering what John's assessment is of the Whole Brain Child? To me it seems like the ULTIMATE "babble" and completely contrary to what God's Word says about raising child. I'd love his...

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Posted on 3/18/2023

I am wondering if my children should address adults outside of school by their first names. How should I address my neighbors and other adults in front of my children?

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Distress at the Dentist's and Choosing Church

Posted on 2/2/2023

Question about The Godfather Principle: We’re currently implementing this because of a rather rough (that’s an understatement) dentist visit. We read your response to the question about temper...

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The Well-Behaved Child

Posted on 1/31/2023

Parent Guru Team, I have been listening to The Well Behaved Child on Audible and love it! Going through the portions where john explains charts/tickets etc. I had a hard time visualizing the...

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Posted on 1/23/2023


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Disorder or Discipline?

Posted on 10/14/2022

How can one determine if the child actually does have a psychiatric disorder or just needs the right kind of discipline? Is there a legitimate test? Child in question has biological family history...

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Posted on 9/21/2022

Some allegations that my daughter made about me to her school counselor and obviously and the allegations that were given to me in the report it states that my children’s father was coaching them....

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"Boxers on the Noggin'": The Silliness of a Boy--and his Disobedience

Posted on 7/19/2022

This is regarding the card system. The rules we initially established are: no hitting/kicking, no throwing and do what mom and dad say. So, sometimes we will be getting dressed and he’s being...

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Natural Consequences Are EffectiveTeachers

Posted on 7/9/2022

My 9 year old boy frequently acts like a baby and very odd in a socially unacceptable way like a feral child. When leaving his friends he will say “bye friends” in a silly voice. He also was...

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9 year old's Frequent Night Time Urinating Best Evaluated by Pediatrician

Posted on 6/26/2022

My 9-year-old frequently gets out of bed to go to the toilet at night. I don’t mind but our house is laid out that he has to leave his bedroom, come down the stairs, past our living room, dining...

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Posted on 5/23/2022

Would the June 25th virtual or ONLINE PARENT RETREAT be good or relative to or for a remarried couple with step children for each of the couple? In other words for a blended family and couple. I...

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Don't Overthink Autism Diagnosis

Posted on 5/22/2022

My 2.5-year-old daughter has a working diagnosis of autism. I’m finding it incredibly difficult to get my head around it. I do not want to sound unsympathetic, but how did this happen? Why are so...

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Posted on 4/13/2022

Mr. Rosemond, We eat dinner as a family most nights and I have a question about the proper seating arrangement. We have four children, 12b, 8g, 6b & 3b, and we sit at a rectangle table. ...

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Not within a parent coach skill set.

Posted on 4/12/2022

I feel like my mind can be very sensitive to my surroundings, like every cry, every whine, every complain goes straight through my tired head and I feel it in my body. I don’t even know what I’m...

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30 minute time out for the marriage

Posted on 4/5/2022

I’m currently reading Six point plan , and need guidance. My husband I play The Who’s more tired game, and I want to stop. However, our work hours vary, and I’d like to implement the 30 min rule...

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Resistance precedes change.

Posted on 4/1/2022

I’m trying to tame the emotional outbursts in my home, among ALL its inhabitants. All I have found here and in Rosemond’s books is that this is a worthy goal. Can someone give me some hows please...

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Au Pair Problems

Posted on 3/1/2022

Hi - We have a 2, 5, 7 and 8 year old. Three months ago we had a 25 yr old girl come live with us as an au pair. She helps with the children here and there and watches them when we have adult...

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Parent vs. Grandparent Relationships

Posted on 2/15/2022

My husband and I love the John Rosemond way of parenting. We set rules and expect our kids to follow them. When my parents come around, they completely baby them because they "feel bad" and think...

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If I Could Save Time in a Battle---When Siblings Collide

Posted on 1/14/2022

When doing the conference room for sibling conflict what do you do if all they do is yell and fight while in there? Currently I just add more time when they start fighting. Sometimes it helps...

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Shy 7 Year Old

Posted on 12/31/2021

My 7 year old first-grader has trouble joining into social situations. He plays well with his 5 year old brother, but with peers, he goes off on his own, and will tell stories to himself (I...

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Boys to Men?

Posted on 10/16/2021

Dr. Rosemond, I have heard you comment in the past about how today’s men look and act like boys. My husband is one of these men. While he’s not as immature as some men, he still resembles a boy...

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Reading is Good!

Posted on 8/30/2021

I solved my own incessant talker. Every time he bugs me and won't be quiet, I tell him to go read a book. Works like a charm and he's becoming an A1 reader!

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 10.