
Troublemaking Siblings

Posted 2 weeks ago

Our two youngest children, when together, are troublemakers. They are 6 and 7, but when they are together they revert to large babies—don’t do their chores, lay around, giggle, tickling,...

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When Phases and a New Baby Coming Collide

Posted 2 weeks ago

Hi, we transitioned my son to a full bed because he began climbing out of his crib, and it was becoming unsafe. He has always been a great independent sleeper. However, now he requires either me...

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Taking a different path to change.

Posted 2 weeks ago

Asking for my sister-in-law: She took in our orphaned niece when she was 6, she is now 13. Niece was neglected and abused, just like her troubled mom who was adopted by my in-law’s as a teen....

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Time for a New Approach with 6YO

Posted 2 weeks ago

My son turns 6 next month and has hit a stage where if I use alpha speech and he doesn’t like what we’re doing, he follows me around whining or trying to convince me otherwise. If I tell him to go...

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No fair rules and personal responsibility

Posted 3 weeks ago

My 10-year-old daughter is insolent and disobedient at home, especially towards my husband, her stepfather for the past year ("you're not my father"). She doesn't like the new rules that have been...

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Recognizing the Value of Childhood Chores

Posted 3 weeks ago

Hi there! I am wanting to know what chores I should expect from my three daughters, 3.5yo twins and 6.5yo. They help out here and there, but Dad and I are tired of doing all the clean up and no...

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What mom says GOES!

Posted 1 month ago

Hello, I have a son who is 2.5 and my daughter who is 17 months. My son was a great listener when we were out and he was not in a stroller. If we say no or stop he would listen or come back to...

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It's Always Something

Posted on 6/21/2024

Good day. My son (7.5) has come a long way on many behavioral issues. One infuriating thing we are still having trouble with is his tendency to break things. I get the impulse to "test"...

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Advice on Addressing Grandson's Behavior with Parents

Posted on 6/13/2024

Hi, We're visiting our son, his wife, and our only grandson, who is five years old. He is rather spoiled and often behaves brattily. When we go over for dinner (we're staying at a VRBO), he...

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Help! My Son Wants to Quit Swim Team

Posted on 6/7/2024

My 6-year-old son is refusing to participate in swim team, because he says it’s hard and that he wants to quit. In the past, we’ve allowed him to quit activities, but he was told he would do swim...

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No pass for naughty behavior.

Posted on 5/28/2024

My 5 year old has apraxia of speech and does both speech therapy and OT. He is very smart but gets frustrated very easily when things are difficult. He will be starting Kindergarten at the school...

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Why Is My 5 Year Old a Mean Girl?

Posted on 5/7/2024

Our 5-year-old daughter has been acting aggressively towards others (classmates in school AND her 7-year-old brother) when either she doesn't like what they do or they won't let her do whatever...

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Post Vacay Reset

Posted on 5/5/2024

We recently went on a trip that was 13 days long. There was lots of drive time as we went to see different friends, family, and attended a wedding. Before the trip I could see that our two kids (3...

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Moody Blues

Posted on 4/27/2024

Our 10-year-old son has started having huge mood swings. He gets easily angry, grumpy, and irritable. What is the best way to handle mood swings? We provide consequences for misbehavior, but how...

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How to Deal with 13-Year-Old’s Misbehavior at Home

Posted on 4/19/2024

Do you recommend the Ticket system for a 13-year-old girl who is not getting along with a younger sibling, and is very stubborn about getting her way? She does well in school and is respectful...

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Frustration Stifles Change

Posted on 4/14/2024

I am feeling a great sense of failure because I've been trying to apply John’s principles for most of my child's life and this is where we are: <uL> <il>• 16-year-old son is addicted to his...

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Son and Mom Problem

Posted on 4/9/2024

Hi. 13-Year-old boy. Home school, avid reader, no screens, movies on weekend. Tennis player. Plays outside. I love everything Rosemond. But I have never been great at putting it into effect. My...

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Should My Teen Miss Prom?

Posted on 4/9/2024

What is your advice regarding grounding teenagers such that they miss major milestone events or rites of passage? I would greatly like to avoid punishments such as missing prom or graduation;...

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Don't talk so much

Posted on 3/21/2024

My 4 year old daughter has been having problems listening and following directions, particularly at her after school program. She gets written up at least once a week and has been suspended from...

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Not Listening the First Time

Posted on 3/20/2024

We believe in the necessity of our children obeying the first time they are told-without challenge, delay or excuse. However, we also wish to walk the tightrope of a loving, nourishing home,...

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Upping the Ante Not Working with Misbehaving 5YO

Posted on 3/17/2024

We have a 5 year old who continues to disobey. We tell her “go upstairs it’s time to brush your teeth.” Or “It’s time to clean up your legos.” And she’ll say, “No!” If we up the ante and say,...

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Time to Show you Mean Business

Posted on 3/7/2024

Hi! Today, after telling my 9 year old son no, he could not take Pokemon cards to school, he snuck them in his backpack and took them anyway. The teacher called me. She also told me he brought a...

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"Special Tantrum Place" for Tantrums

Posted on 2/28/2024

My son (21 months) is in full blown “terrible twos.” He does lots of throwing fits. When they happen he gets a swat on the bottom and has to sit in his bed until he will be sweet and say he’s...

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Choices for Children?

Posted on 2/28/2024

Hello, listening to John's podcast. Great stuff. When is it permissible to allow a child a choice? I understand John speaks against 'democratic' parenting but would be good to hear a podcast...

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Fill His Glass

Posted on 2/23/2024

My 9-year-old son is very negative lately. He seems focused on the "bad" parts of the world. He is worried and frustrated about big problems in the world like destroying the environment, for...

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Require Independent Play

Posted on 2/17/2024

We are trying to promote our kids to be more independent with regards to their play. They are all boys ages 9, 7 and 5. They can play independently, but still want me to play with them and often...

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Child Sneaking out of Room for Snacks

Posted on 2/17/2024

When using the Doctor Method and sending your kids to bed early, what do you do when your kid is then so well rested, wakes up before everyone else, and rummages through the kitchen? My 5-year-old...

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Teaching Manners to a Five-Year-Old

Posted on 2/7/2024

During a recent visit to a private school we are considering sending our daughter to, I found it difficult to have a conversation with the school staff due to my daughter's constant whining and...

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End the Games

Posted on 1/22/2024

First, to start, my 14-year-old son has no behavior issues and is a good kid, good student and a contributing member to our family life. We have a rule about video game usage (I believe video...

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Road Trip & Potty Training

Posted on 1/16/2024

My daughter (2.5) is potty trained and we are working on potty training our son (19 months). We have a long road trip coming up in April when we have to travel from South Dakota to...

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Victimhood by a 10 yro

Posted on 1/6/2024

Our son regularly makes excuses, assigns blame elsewhere, etc. when it comes to taking responsibilities for his decisions. He often plays the "poor me" or victim card. What are your best...

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How to Use the Ticket System for Misbehavior at Home

Posted on 1/2/2024

Hello, we have 2 adopted kids (9yr boy/12yr girl). Our son was diagnosed with ADHD by his school at the age of 6. He has an IEP. He is well-behaved at school. However, at home is a different...

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Don't Play with a 14-Year-Old

Posted on 12/29/2023

Long story short, after finding out my nearly 14 yr old daughter tells her stepmom how much she hates me and her stepfamily from my side and how much she wants to live with her dad I conceded and...

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Time for a Visit From the Doctor

Posted on 12/29/2023

I'm at a loss for direction. I tried lumping my kids together with a chart just to find how different they are. My 4 y/o loves to relentlessly antagonize my 5 y/o whiner, and my 7 y/o loves to...

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2.5 y/o refuses to poop

Posted on 12/28/2023

My 2.5 year old is potty trained when it comes to pee but not poop. She is a stool holder, she constipates herself and I have to give her mirlax daily. I believe they are painful because of how...

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Big move Big changes

Posted on 12/15/2023

Since our move my daughter has started having accidents again. She was day potty trained (only a couple accidents a week so staying dry and clean 98% of the time) but after the move she started...

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Be careful how you share info

Posted on 11/16/2023

Son, age 11 I think inadvertently we have created a bit of a boogie man- when we don't permit our son to watch certain things we have been open about why- which has opened the door to the...

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Overspending Lunch Account

Posted on 11/16/2023

My son's school is using a new foodservice company. There have been some bumps as they navigate how to configure it. As of now 5-12 grades are allowed to bill whatever they want to the family...

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Perfectionism and Kids

Posted on 11/7/2023

I have a 4-year-old son, 6-year-old daughter and 4-month-old. We are part of a homeschool co-op group that meets once a week. It isn’t a drop off co-op, so all parents stay the whole time. My...

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Tickets. I’ve got your tickets!

Posted on 11/4/2023

Hello - we have been using some form of the ticketing system with our 5 year old daughter for about a year now. It doesn’t seem like we have made much progress. She is still consistently...

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Troubled Teen/Perplexed Parents

Posted on 10/30/2023

Hello, We have a problem dealing with our 15 yr old son's violent behavior when we take his phone or he gets grounded. He has been caught taking his older brother's car late at night (without...

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When AlphaMom is in the Room

Posted on 10/30/2023

My 2.5-year-old son keeps asking, " are you happy?" when I am firm or use "Alpha Speech." I'm not exactly sure how to answer or even if i should answer the question. I don't want him to think my...

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It's Her Problem

Posted on 10/26/2023

Hello, My 5.5 year old daughter is praised for her behavior by all caregivers outside the home. At home, when I give her a command like “go brush your hair,” she will dawdle, say “not yet” or...

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7yr old not doing what is right

Posted on 10/24/2023

Hello, My daughter is seven years old. She is having trouble focusing in school. She moves around in her chair a lot, often skips over reading instructions, frequently leaves big sections of her...

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Calculating 6YO Attention Seeker

Posted on 10/13/2023

How do you teach a 6 year old the difference between expressing your emotions and using your emotions to manipulate people? Ex: If we tell him what consequences to expect, "eat your dinner or you...

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Adjusting the Attitude

Posted on 10/13/2023

Are there any Rosemond certified therapists on the island of Oahu? I've read several of John's books and am still having trouble with my 2 kids, especially my soon to be 13 yrs old son. He was a...

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1st Grade Son Prefers Silly Play

Posted on 10/8/2023

My 1st grade son who has always preferred oral "silly" play including making rasberry sounds, whistling, and staccato outbursts of word like but unintelligible syllables, and exaggerated laughter,...

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Classroom Management

Posted on 10/3/2023

Hello! Your straightforward, old-fashioned approach has been a big blessing to me as a children’s minister/teacher! Do you or your team have any classroom management resources for Sunday...

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13-Year-Old Pickleball Pouter

Posted on 10/1/2023

Hello Parent Coach - I play pickleball with my 13 year old son every so often on the weekends. I am a better player and he is a beginner, learning at school in PE. After we rally to warm up, we...

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5YO Testing the Limits

Posted on 9/25/2023

Our 5 year old is incredibly contrary; at times he argues or complains about everything. He'll say he doesn't like what's for dinner before he knows what it is, for example. His tantrums have...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 21.