Little Miss Dependent
Posted 1 week ago
Our just-turned-six-year-old daughter, an only child, wants our constant attention and does not want to be alone when we are at home. She wants us to stay with her longer when we put her to...
Read MoreA New Beginning!
Posted on 8/22/2024
My daughter is 8 (only child) and we have come to realize we have created a child centered household. We want to start changing our parenting and realize some obstinance may come with this new...
Read MoreCutting the apron strings 3yo
Posted on 11/5/2023
Our daughter is an only child, and I am a stay at home wife. She turned three in June and we are starting to have some difficulties separating her from our interactions as husband and wife during...
Read MoreYou're in Charge
Posted on 8/6/2021
My son is 9 yo. Like his dad and me, he tends to be in the chunky side of the physique spectrum. Being an only child....not having permanent full time playmates makes it easy for him to not be as...
Read MoreDeveloping the Skill To Play by Oneself
Posted on 10/15/2020
Any special resources you would recommend for an only child? When I see "play by yourself" I often feel guilty because he is really by himself! I think I overindulge due to guilt that he's alone....
Read More14 YO Boy Looking For Friends
Posted on 8/28/2019
My son is 14 years old. He is having a lot of issues around relationships with friends/girlfriends. He seems to be struggling with feeling secure in his relationships. He needs a lot of...
Read More6 yro has trouble occupying herself
Posted on 3/25/2019
Our 6-year-old daughter does not like to occupy herself. When we ask her to play by herself, she keeps coming from her room asking us to play with her or asking us to be with her. But when she is...
Read MoreAttention Addiction
Posted on 1/23/2019
Our son is 4 1/2 and is basically an only child as his older siblings are no longer living at home. Lately he seems to be having episodes of anxiety, and they seem to happen at various times. He...
Read MoreLiberating the Playmate Dad
Posted on 1/11/2019
I read the column by Dinah Bucholz, Stop Paying Attention to Your Kids. I'm struggling because this is my downfall. My daughter wants me to play with her constantly. I have an overwhelming sense...
Read MoreGrow a Man by Growing Flowers
Posted on 7/8/2018
Hi. After being at a 4 hour playdate, my 10 yr old still makes me feel bad for not playing with him when he gets home. How do I handle a 10 yr old boy who needs to be entertained constantly? Is it...
Read More'Tis the Season of Leaving and Cleaving
Posted on 7/3/2018
My son has joined my practice which was always our plan. He brought his girlfriend (also a dr & now is wife) back. They lived with us for 2 years. I trained them, shared my practice & they kept...
Read More4 yro won't share
Posted on 1/5/2018
I host a few ladies and their kids at my house weekly. My four-year-old son (only child) usually starts off okay, but then loses his mind (yelling and telling the kids to leave) when they mess up...
Read MoreWhy "why" doesn't really matter.
Posted on 8/21/2017
I have a 5 year old daughter who will start kindergarten in 4 days. I have used the 6 block chart for behavior issues with good success. For some reason, the last several weeks have seen her...
Read MoreNever argue with a 5 year old.
Posted on 7/16/2017
My one and only gives the vibe she is superior to her classmates by contradicting them, telling them they are wrong or having show off behaviour. I'm afraid she will not have any friends, but am...
Read MoreWild Monkey at Naptime
Posted on 5/1/2017
I try to make a regular one hour quiet time for my 3 year old daughter every afternoon but things usually end negatively. She has, from birth, been a high needs kiddo and playing by herself seems...
Read MoreHomeschool to Public School for Lonely Preteen
Posted on 10/13/2016
I have been homeschooling my daughter since she was 6. She is now 12. My health is failing me and I haven't been able to drive her out to co-op or sports weekly, but only occasionally. She is a...
Read More4-Year-Old Gets Frustrated Easily
Posted on 4/16/2016
My son is 4 yrs. He is an only child. When trying something new, he gets very frustrated very fast if he can't do it right within a couple tries. This happens when practicing numbers, letter or...
Read MoreSocial Life of a 2 Year Old
Posted on 6/5/2015
Our 2.5 yo daughter is an only child but extremely mature, talkative and social. She loves other kids and is dying to go to school. We go to story time at the library, but other than that we...
Read MoreFour year old cannot play by himself
Posted on 4/27/2015
Our 4.5 year old son is incapable of playing by himself. He either bothers his brother or lays on the floor and whines for me to play with him. I limit tv to one hour a day and we do not have...
Read More3 year old play time
Posted on 10/9/2014
I would like advise on how to get my child (3 years old) into writing and activities she can do her e.g puzzles. She is currently an only child as we struggle to have children so I would like to...
Read MoreOnly Children
Posted on 1/19/2014
Dr. Rosemond, I listened to your webinar tonight and you mentioned how an only child can feel superior. I have an only child and know that I am not able to have more children. Do I parent him...
Read More8 year old : pullng eyelashes
Posted on 7/19/2011
My beloved 8 yr old grandson has decided to pull out all of his beautiful eyelashes; we are so concerned about what might be causing this. He has older parents who love him dearly (52 and 59)and...
Read MoreCharacter Building
Posted on 1/25/2011
My daughter is seven and our only child. Infancy through 5 we lived with my Wife's parents. We made the mistake of focusing too much on work. Grandparents raised our child. Our daughter was raised...
Read MoreDesperate in Mexico!
Posted on 11/23/2010
My 8 yr old daughter (only child) has taken over our house hold. She doesn't respond when we ask her to turn off the TV for an example. Takes 5 or more request. Same with the wii game or computer....
Read MorePlaydates and micromanaging
Posted on 11/9/2007
At what age do children benefit from playdates. Our daughter is an only child and will be one, so she does not have siblings to learn things from like sharing? Also, do you define playdates as...
Read More7 yo: Only child discipline
Posted on 12/13/2006
My husband and I are 51 & 48, I am a mother of older children (25 & 22), my husband is a first time father of our 7 year old son. Ken is a wonderful father and husband. But needs to establish...
Read More4 yo: Only child syndrome: which discipline method ?
Posted on 11/19/2006
My husband and I have, unintentionally, created the "only child syndrome" with our 4 YO. We altered our work schedules in order for one of us to be home with him since birth, in order to avoid...
Read MoreCollege Daughter Truly Hates Us
Posted on 9/25/2006
I always read the Rosemond books when my child was young but must have missed the mark somewhere as she is now 20 years old and hates me and her Dad. She has told me this many times in the past...
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