Preschool (4-5 years)

John's Most Recent Articles

Why Hanna Sleeps With Us

Posted on 5/9/2023

My wife, Willie (nee Wilma), and I are the happy caretakers of a happy seventeen-month-old pure white toy schnauzer, Hanna. Hanna occupies the center of our attention. If you spent a day in our...

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Odd Behavior Does Not Always Need Psychological Diagnosis

Posted on 12/13/2022

When America’s mental health industry sees the opportunity to broaden its influence, they pounce. If said opportunity presents itself in the form of odd behavior on the part of certain children,...

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Drama-Free Bedtime

Posted on 11/29/2022

Q: Several months ago, my husband and I allowed our five-year-old daughter to sleep with us for a couple of nights. We thought this was innocent, but she began crying hysterically when we...

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Help Son Learn to Give and Take In Conversation

Posted on 11/15/2022

Q: My just-turned four-year-old repeats things he has heard or has said before. For example, even though my brother’s family moved away nearly two years ago, whenever we drive by their...

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Help Big Brother Understand Baby’s Limits

Posted on 8/2/2022

Q: Our soon to be 5-year-old son enjoys playing with his 14-month-old brother, but there have been three times recently when the baby has started crying and when I check, big brother has a guilty...

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Don’t Just ‘Settle’ Dispute, Solve It

Posted on 5/3/2022

Q: Our sons are six and four. When their same-age cousins, come over, they all go down into our basement to play. Invariably, within thirty minutes my youngest comes upstairs crying because his...

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On Chores, Discipline, Potty-Training

Posted on 3/29/2022

Q: When I give my 5-year-old daughter a chore, she does it, but all the while she is muttering under her breath, huffing and puffing, and so on. Do I discipline that behavior or just let her...

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Patience With Young Daughter’s Questions Will Pay Off

Posted on 3/1/2022

Q: I’m concerned that my 3-year-old – she’s nearly 4 – daughter has some sort of language issue. For example, even though my brother’s family moved away nearly two years ago, whenever we drive by...

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In Defense of ‘Because I Said So'

Posted on 2/1/2022

Q: Concerning chores, another expert recommends giving a child a certain number of chips, like poker chips, every month and if he or she fails to do a chore or doesn’t do it properly, you take a...

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Is This Battle Worth It?

Posted on 12/29/2021

Q: I have six-month- and thirty-two-month-old boys. The older one—well-mannered, easy going, very affectionate—attends a preschool program three mornings a week. This is his second year there. ...

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Toilet Training Regression, Don't Turn to Pull-Ups

Posted 2 weeks ago

My sweet five year old boy is in the midst of a full potty training regression. He was fully potty trained and then we moved and he is back in pull ups full time while home with me for the summer....

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Retraining will be challenging, possible and necessary.

Posted on 6/24/2024

Due with baby #3 in 9mon… 4yo and 2.5yo still sleeping with mom and dad, 2.5yo not potty trained. Where do we start in retraining our children so that our bed can be child free, and out of diapers...

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Advice on Addressing Grandson's Behavior with Parents

Posted on 6/13/2024

Hi, We're visiting our son, his wife, and our only grandson, who is five years old. He is rather spoiled and often behaves brattily. When we go over for dinner (we're staying at a VRBO), he...

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Grandparent Woes

Posted on 6/12/2024

Hi, we are visiting a son, wife and only grandson with them who is 5 He is basically spoiled and being bratty. My question is when we go over for dinner, staying at a vrbo, he is saying "don't...

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Posted on 5/29/2024

How do we make our 4-year old daughter care about peeing in her pants? She was seemingly potty-trained a couple of months ago, and then accidents started happening frequently the last month or...

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No pass for naughty behavior.

Posted on 5/28/2024

My 5 year old has apraxia of speech and does both speech therapy and OT. He is very smart but gets frustrated very easily when things are difficult. He will be starting Kindergarten at the school...

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Reclaim the Baton of Power

Posted on 5/21/2024

My 5-year-old daughter is nearly always waking up in a sour mood. Her eyebrows low, frumpy look, tense arms. It's been so exhausting to start on that foot the past few months. How can I...

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Why Is My 5 Year Old a Mean Girl?

Posted on 5/7/2024

Our 5-year-old daughter has been acting aggressively towards others (classmates in school AND her 7-year-old brother) when either she doesn't like what they do or they won't let her do whatever...

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Nighttime Potty Training a 4-Year-Old

Posted on 5/1/2024

My daughter is 4 and I've been putting off nighttime potty training until the school year ends because sleep deprivation turns her into a bear. Once school is over, I plan to start with John's...

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Posted on 4/24/2024

Hi John, Your work has been of immense value for our family! We have two little girls (5 and 2). The 5 y/o has been touching her vagina quite frequently. It started to concern us a few...

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