John's Most Recent Articles
What Should Single Mom Do About Disrespectful Son?
Posted on 6/7/2022
Q: I’m a single mother with a 13-year-old son. His father, whom he sees infrequently, has PTSD from battle experiences. My son has anger toward his father, but I can’t get him to talk about it....
Read MoreDiscipline Differences Between Divorced Parents
Posted on 5/10/2022
Q: We see my husband's 9-year-old son every other weekend and two weeks in the summer. He has major issues in school with both behavior and doing his work. He's well behaved when he's with us, but...
Read MoreOn Chores, Discipline, Potty-Training
Posted on 3/29/2022
Q: When I give my 5-year-old daughter a chore, she does it, but all the while she is muttering under her breath, huffing and puffing, and so on. Do I discipline that behavior or just let her...
Read MoreHandle Split Custody Parenting Issues With Grace
Posted on 9/14/2020
Q: My 13-year-old son’s grades and overall respect for me and other adults – teachers, in particular – began going downhill last year (eighth grade), even before the shutdown. He began school this...
Read MoreFather's Visitation With Child Should Be Allowed
Posted on 1/15/2020
Q: Our ten-year-old granddaughter lives with us. We have custody of her but her father, our son, is now asking us for visitation privileges. I probably don’t need to tell you that both he and his...
Read MorePlaying War Games Not Unusual for Young Boys
Posted on 10/22/2019
Q: My normally happy 6-year-old son has recently started incorporating death and war-like games into his imaginative play. He isn't and has never been a mean-spirited child, but his dad and I just...
Read MoreOne Reason Why Marriages Go Bad: Postnatal Marital Amnesia
Posted on 12/12/2018
Just about every marriage has its share of bad times; then again, some marriages simply go bad. The reasons for the latter include abuse, adultery, alcoholism (and other forms of chemical...
Read MoreExchange Arrangements Stressful to Pre-Teen Daughter
Posted on 9/12/2018
Q: I am reading your book “The Well-Behaved Child” and have a question that it doesn’t address. I am a single mom with children from two different fathers. One of my ex-husbands (my son’s father)...
Read MoreKeep Facts About 'Donor Dad' Mum Until Child Is 15
Posted on 10/25/2017
Q: My son just turned 5 and is starting to ask various questions about parents including why some people have two parents and he only has one. About two months before he turned two, his "donor"...
Read MoreCustody Issue: Teen Acts Aggressively Towards Mother
Posted on 1/12/2016
Q: My ex-husband and I have pretty much fifty-fifty custody of our 15-year-old son, who has become infected with his father’s disrespect for me. When he’s with me, he makes it very clear that he...
Read MoreRecent Questions
Managing high conflict parenting.
Posted 2 weeks ago
Per parenting plan 9y/o son & 12y/o daughter may contact dad at will. Recently, ex demanded I make sure the kids call every day, then started ordering them to call at certain times. He will...
Posted on 8/23/2024
Thank you for your reply. I actually sent both parents a description of sociopathy after the thefts and asked that they send her to counseling. My husband agreed but his ex emphatically disagreed...
Posted on 7/29/2024
I am a single mother since 3 years. His father did not visit our soon to be 10 year old after the separation. Our son started to become aggressive and disrespectful towards me. I arranged the...
Read MoreNo fair rules and personal responsibility
Posted on 7/5/2024
My 10-year-old daughter is insolent and disobedient at home, especially towards my husband, her stepfather for the past year ("you're not my father"). She doesn't like the new rules that have been...
Read MoreDon't Play with a 14-Year-Old
Posted on 12/29/2023
Long story short, after finding out my nearly 14 yr old daughter tells her stepmom how much she hates me and her stepfamily from my side and how much she wants to live with her dad I conceded and...
Posted on 10/30/2022
I’m the worst mum in the world and hated because my 9-year-old son isn’t allowed to go on holiday out of the country with his dad and new girlfriend for a family holiday. I told my son's dad no...
Read More10 Year Old with Violent Fits, Divorced Parents and "trifecta of diagnoses"
Posted on 10/13/2022
My 10 year old son has the adoptive trifecta of diagnoses: "on the autism spectrum", oppositional defiant disorder, and ADHD. Sometimes he has violent fits - although now they're down to 1 or 2...
Posted on 9/21/2022
Some allegations that my daughter made about me to her school counselor and obviously and the allegations that were given to me in the report it states that my children’s father was coaching them....
Read MoreKeep It Simple
Posted on 7/13/2022
I’m a single mother of a 2.5 year old. Her father has never been in the picture at all. She’s starting to notice other kids have a dad and she doesn’t. How do I explain his absence to her and...
Posted on 7/2/2022
My 17 y/o daughter is from my first marriage. divorced when she was 3. Her stepdad and i have been married since she was 5. Long and short? We have done all of the parenting, all the tough...
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