John's Most Recent Articles
Cure for Kid Who Hits
Posted on 10/26/2021
A 4-year-old – I’ll call him Popeye – had a habit of hitting other children in his preschool program. His teachers tried various approaches, including rewarding him with a treat on days when he...
Read MoreHere's a Real Head Banger Issue
Posted on 7/14/2020
Q: When my two-year-old gets angry, he sometimes gets down and bangs his head on the floor. This happens two or three times a week, generally speaking. He’s not bruised himself, yet, but I don’t...
Read MoreWhat to Do About an Aggressive 3-Year-Old
Posted on 4/21/2020
Q: My three-year-old son tends to react physically when he's mad at a preschool classmate instead of talking it out and letting the teachers intervene. We have encouraged him to use words when...
Read MorePlaying War Games Not Unusual for Young Boys
Posted on 10/22/2019
Q: My normally happy 6-year-old son has recently started incorporating death and war-like games into his imaginative play. He isn't and has never been a mean-spirited child, but his dad and I just...
Read MoreCustody Issue: Teen Acts Aggressively Towards Mother
Posted on 1/12/2016
Q: My ex-husband and I have pretty much fifty-fifty custody of our 15-year-old son, who has become infected with his father’s disrespect for me. When he’s with me, he makes it very clear that he...
Read MoreJealous Sibling and Words of Wisdom for Toddler's Parents
Posted on 6/23/2015
Living with Children John Rosemond Copyright 2015, John K. Rosemond Q: My 24-month-old is constantly wanting to be in her newborn baby brother’s face, poking and touching him. How can...
Read MoreRoadblocks to Success in Classroom Discipline
Posted on 10/14/2014
A first-grade teacher asks what she can do about a girl in her class who is completely undisciplined. After nearly two months of this teacher’s best efforts, the child’s behavior is no better. She...
Read MoreDefiant behavior at school
Posted on 5/13/2014
Q: For the past few months, our usually compliant 4-year-old son has been having problems with defiant behavior at school. He often refuses to do what he is told by the teacher. What concerns us...
Read MoreExplaining School Shootings
Posted on 10/29/2013
A radio talk show recently called to ask how parents should explain school shootings to their kids. My answer: It depends. I prefer, for the most part, for parents to say nothing unless their...
Read MoreKicking Out of the Garden of Eden [Explained]
Posted on 10/6/2013
Kicking the child out of the Garden of Eden John's "Garden of Eden" statement: Other Q and A or articles about this method may be searched by using the keyword "Garden" Below is detailed...
Read MoreRecent Questions
Keep It Simple
Posted 2 weeks ago
We reached out in October regarding our 4-year-old son's hitting peers and defiance towards teachers at school. Mr. Rosemond recommended, and we are implementing the "on-call" parent, picking him...
Read MoreFrom 2 year old bully to well behaved boy
Posted on 11/19/2024
Our 2 yr son has been struggling with lots of hitting, pulling hair, pushing, poking, grabbing (until his sister is screaming), biting, etc. towards anyone who displeases him. His 3 yr sister gets...
Read MoreGuidance for Managing Son's Aggressive Behavior at School
Posted on 10/25/2024
Hello. We have a 4-year-old son who has been hitting other students, throwing toys, and ignoring the teacher’s instructions. He had four incidents in two days and was suspended for one day from...
Posted on 10/18/2024
Hello. We have a 4yr old son who is hitting other students, throwing toys and ignoring teacher's instructions. He has 4 incidents in 2 days and has been suspended for one day from school. In one...
Posted on 9/14/2024
My 3.5-year-old son has always been a strong-willed child. About 6 months ago, we started using your discipline methods which have been great. Before that, we relied heavily on spanking but it...
Read MoreWhy Is My 5 Year Old a Mean Girl?
Posted on 5/7/2024
Our 5-year-old daughter has been acting aggressively towards others (classmates in school AND her 7-year-old brother) when either she doesn't like what they do or they won't let her do whatever...
Read MoreTroubled Teen/Perplexed Parents
Posted on 10/30/2023
Hello, We have a problem dealing with our 15 yr old son's violent behavior when we take his phone or he gets grounded. He has been caught taking his older brother's car late at night (without...
Read More5yo being a 5 yo
Posted on 10/3/2023
Our 5 year old son is extremely emotional, and has no governor on his emotions. We don't expect him to have control over his emotions at this age, but we also do not know what is age-appropriate,...
Read MoreWrong Place? Wrong Time?
Posted on 9/13/2023
My grandson is 32 months old. He’s been in a Christian preschool for the last 3 weeks. The teacher often sends texts and reports to my daughter (mom) about the grandson shoving, hitting, and...
Posted on 9/12/2023
We have a 7.5yo son with a habit of yelling/screaming/whining at us when we attempt to talk to him at times when he is misbehaving or breaking family rules. We can barely get the first words out...
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