Terrible Twos
John's Most Recent Articles
It All Begins With the Terrible Twos
Posted on 4/3/2024
In one of my alter-egos, I’m a songwriter. I began writing songs during my seven-year tenure as the lead singer in a rock ‘n’ roll band while in college and graduate school and I’ve been writing...
Read MoreThe Dark Triad Must Not Stand!
Posted on 3/27/2024
In 2002, two psychologists formulated the concept of the “Dark Triad,” referring to three toxic personality types: narcissistic, Machiavellian, and psychopathic. As usual, psychologists make...
Read MoreDon't Turn Little Issues Into Big Problems
Posted on 4/11/2023
Q: My almost-3-year-old, when I begin to do something, will yell, “I WILL DO IT!” When it’s something he can do, fine, but if it’s not, then I just say, “No, Mommy will do it” and that’s the end...
Read MoreToddler Q&A
Posted on 2/14/2023
Q: When we reprimand our 34-month-old daughter for something, anything, she begins to wail like we’re beating her. Whether we firmly redirect or simply say, "No,” she begins to wail like...
Read MoreWhat To Do About Head-Banging Toddler?
Posted on 8/12/2021
Q: Our 19-month-old is a very active little boy who flips out when things do not go his way. When he has a tantrum, we walk away or simply ignore him. Nonetheless, he will scream and flail about...
Read MoreThe More You Say “No," the Less Effective It Becomes
Posted on 10/13/2020
Q: Our first child, a boy, just turned two. Per your advice, he is toilet trained and eating whatever I serve. Before he was born, we determined that we were not going to raise a picky eater. Our...
Read MoreTrump the Hump of Toddlerhood
Posted on 10/6/2020
Q: In your column of last week, you referred to the “hump of toddlerhood.” Can you please explain further? A: In using the word “hump,” I’m equating chronological toddlerhood – roughly,...
Read MoreHow to Prevent the Terrible Twos From Becoming the Terrifying Threes
Posted on 7/21/2020
One of my books, “Making the ‘Terrible’ Twos Terrific!”, has recently become a best-seller in China, of all places. Seriously! What sorts of problems are Chinese parents having with their...
Read MoreRecent Questions
Taming the Terrible Twos
Posted on 8/21/2024
Our 2 yr son is very disrespectful and has a fiery temper. He loves to hit and say “no” whenever we cross his will or sometimes even when he thinks trouble is coming. The rebellious, defiant...
Posted on 8/20/2024
My 3 yr daughter and 2 yr son can be very emotional at times, especially my daughter. Sometimes she has melt downs over the silliest things. For example, I tuck her in for the night but I use the...
Read MoreToddler guidance and independence
Posted on 7/11/2024
We recently found out that Baby #3 is on the way. We are trying to conquer the terrible twos with our son and conquer some issues with our 3 yr daughter. She has had a sneaky, disrespectful...
Read More"Special Tantrum Place" for Tantrums
Posted on 2/28/2024
My son (21 months) is in full blown “terrible twos.” He does lots of throwing fits. When they happen he gets a swat on the bottom and has to sit in his bed until he will be sweet and say he’s...
Read MoreHow to space kids?
Posted on 12/27/2023
From previous questions you know that our two kids are very active and often very naughty. God is helping us and we’re trying to follow your advice. Some weeks are rough. Others are better but we...
Read MoreToddlers Acting Up After Moving Across Town
Posted on 12/12/2023
Recently we moved to an apartment across town from where we were. My kids (2.5 & 1.5) are really struggling to adjust to the new place. They are used to seeing their grandparents every day and...
Read MoreHow much to expect from toddlers
Posted on 12/5/2023
How do I know where to draw the line between what to expect for proper behavior and what is too advanced for the kids (girl 2.5 and boy 1.5) to learn? My husband and I have high standards of what...
Read MoreToddlers struggle with rules.
Posted on 11/30/2023
How do I teach my little people (2.5 and 1.5) to have respect? Often the baby will scream and yell for what he wants and doesn’t use much English yet. My daughter talks clearly but often demands...
Read More"Fit Places" for a two year old
Posted on 11/26/2023
At what age can I start using tickets? I tried for a while with my 2.5 year old but she just chewed/folded/tore them up and thought they were toys. So far time out and pictures taped to the fridge...
Read MoreCutting the apron strings 3yo
Posted on 11/5/2023
Our daughter is an only child, and I am a stay at home wife. She turned three in June and we are starting to have some difficulties separating her from our interactions as husband and wife during...
Read MoreTopics Covered
- Academic Issues
- ADHD and other disorders
- Adoption/Foster Parent
- Aggression
- Allowances
- Alpha Speech
- Anxieties, Fears
- Arguments with Children
- Audio Files
- Bedtime/Sleep
- Bedwetting
- Behavior Modification
- Biblical Parenting
- Bill of Rights for Children
- Bonding With Baby/Child
- Boundaries
- Bullies/Bullying
- Character/Values (teaching)
- Chores/Responsibilities
- College
- Consequences/Punishment
- Daycare/Preschool
- Depression/Self-Harm
- Developmental Issues (e.g. late talking)
- Discipline Methods (e.g. time-out)
- Disobedience/Defiance
- Divorce/Custody
- Drugs (marijuana, cocaine, etc.)
- Education
- Electronics (Computers/Video Games/Television/Cell Phones)
- Elementary School
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- John's Speeches
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- Psychiatric Drugs
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- Rebellious Behavior
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- School Issues
- Seasons of Parenting
- Self-Esteem
- Seven Biggest Mistakes Parents Make
- Sexual Identity
- Sexual Issues
- Shyness
- Sibling Conflict
- Single Parents
- Social Issues (fighting/arguing with friends)
- Socialization/Social Skills
- Spanking
- Step-Families
- Strong-Willed Child
- Tantrums
- Teenage Issues
- Terrible Twos
- Therapy
- Toilet Training
- Videos
- Violence (Looting, Stealing)
- Webinars
- Woke Parenting