John's Most Recent Articles
Grandparents, Hold Onto Your Hats
Posted on 3/7/2023
Our Question of the Week is, “Pray tell, what is ‘outdated’ about obedience, respect, proper manners, and humility?” Said QOTW is prompted by numerous grandparents who have...
Read MoreParents Can Recover From Not Getting Over the 'Hump of Parenting'
Posted on 10/20/2020
Q: In a recent column, you identified toddlerhood as “the hump of parenting.” As a grandmother who managed to raise five kids who were out of the house in their early twenties and are responsible...
Read MoreGrandparents Are the Glue That Bonds the Family
Posted on 5/7/2019
“When are you going to write a book on grandparenting?” is a question asked of me by lots of folks, most of whom – no surprise here – are grandparents. My stock answer: “I...
Read MoreWhat Should Grandparents Do When Children Won’t Listen to Good Advice?
Posted on 1/16/2019
Q: We have ten grandchildren, spread between three of our kids. They all live within an hour’s drive, so we see them often. We want to be involved in their lives and to be good influences. Our...
Read MoreToday's Grandparent's Deserve Well-Behaved Grandchildren
Posted on 2/23/2016
A recent article on says that many baby boomers are experiencing difficulties in their relationships with adult children, including “not enough time together, not enough regular...
Read MoreGrandparents Raising Grandson
Posted on 12/29/2015
Q: Our daughter died last year—long, sad story—leaving behind a 2-year-old boy. The father—not named on the birth certificate—is not and never has been a factor in the child’s life and gave us...
Read MoreGrandma Needs Advice
Posted on 5/12/2015
Copyright 2015, John K. Rosemond Q: My husband and I need your advice. We are parents to one adult daughter who has three children ages 10, 7, and 4. They live about three hours away...
Read MorePull-Ups & Adoption Age
Posted on 9/16/2014
Q: My 23-month-old son does well with potty training when we’re at home. We use a “potty bell” and he goes every 90 minutes or so. When we’re away from home, however, he seems clueless. He...
Read More8 year old Grandson is Lying
Posted on 6/17/2014
Q: We are very concerned about our 8-year-old grandson’s lying. He always pleads innocence and wonders plaintively why no one ever believes him. When someone confronts him with some misdeed...
Read MoreGrandparent Boundaries
Posted on 7/30/2013
Q: Our daughter and son-in-law have consented to be the guardians of our first grandchild, due in a few months. In preparation for this momentous event, we want to understand what our boundaries...
Read MoreRecent Questions
Game on at nap time.
Posted on 10/16/2024
My three year old grandson, whom I watch twice a week, often runs from me or hides behind a chair when I try to take him up for his nap or put him to bed. He also does it to my daughter, but not...
Read MoreB.O. & B.O.!
Posted on 8/29/2024
Hi, a common thread here with my questions but thought I'd ask the experts. My 5 year old grandson is still sleeping in his parents bed. I said something and I think they all realize it has to...
Read MoreGrandparent views
Posted on 7/31/2024
HI, new 1 year old grandson. My daughter in law is very anxious in general, germophobia but a nice person. My question is - she holds the kid or my son or if I'm there basically a requirement if...
Read MoreGrandparent Woes
Posted on 6/12/2024
Hi, we are visiting a son, wife and only grandson with them who is 5 He is basically spoiled and being bratty. My question is when we go over for dinner, staying at a vrbo, he is saying "don't...
Read MoreGrandparent's observation.
Posted on 2/27/2024
My almost 4 year old(in one month) Grand Daughter vigorously fights her parents over many things. In the morning, she fights over the choice of clothes and getting dressed(30-45 mins). She often...
Read MoreBig Girl Voice
Posted on 2/14/2024
Re the most recent question about the 5 yr. old whining, interrupting. What would the advice be for a 26-month-old, who basically does the same thing? Time outs don’t seem to affect her.
Posted on 5/26/2023
Grandson tells Dad. "I don't Love you" He doesn't say that to mom or grandmom . or even me. dad & mom work crazy shifts so they are ships passing in the night. Dad is home most nights and is a...
Read MoreGrunting Granddaughter
Posted on 3/11/2023
My 15 mos granddaughter will grunt loudly if you're not getting her food fast enough or if you ask her to repeat a word or action she's recently learned. It's as if she's saying, "I've done it...
Read MoreUnsolicited Advice?
Posted on 2/26/2023
Our son and daughter in law were telling us their 4 year old son (our grandson) hits his mom when he gets angry. She said she puts him in his room and he kicks and screams and throws a fit and...
Read MoreLate Talkers
Posted on 1/7/2023
Help! My 2 grandchildren, a boy 3, girl 16 months are being labeled autistic by their pediatrician because they are not speaking a lot of words yet. They both speak gibberish, and the boy is...
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