Developmental Issues (e.g. late talking)

John's Most Recent Articles

Patience With Young Daughter’s Questions Will Pay Off

Posted on 3/1/2022

Q: I’m concerned that my 3-year-old – she’s nearly 4 – daughter has some sort of language issue. For example, even though my brother’s family moved away nearly two years ago, whenever we drive by...

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Jealous Sibling and Words of Wisdom for Toddler's Parents

Posted on 6/23/2015

Living with Children John Rosemond Copyright 2015, John K. Rosemond Q: My 24-month-old is constantly wanting to be in her newborn baby brother’s face, poking and touching him. How can...

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Four Year Old Baby Talk

Posted on 4/29/2014

Q: Our 4-year-old son (middle child with older and younger sisters) frequently uses "baby talk". It doesn't seem to be a way of seeking attention, because when we ask him to repeat in his "big...

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Does Animal Torture = Sociopath?

Posted on 4/15/2014

Q: My 18 year old son and a slightly younger friend recently found some mice and decided to dispose of them. They drowned one and set the other one on fire. When I confronted my son for torturing...

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Relaxing Over The "Small Stuff"

Posted on 11/27/2007

Q. Our 21-month-old has started repeating a few words here and there. We are concerned that he uses Da-da and Ma-ma inappropriately. For instance, he will say "Da-da" and point to himself. We are...

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2 1/2-Year-Old Obsessions

Posted on 10/24/2006

TODDLER DOESN'T NEED THERAPY TO GET OVER HIS 'OBSESSIONS' Q: My 2 1/2-year-old sometimes becomes obsessed with certain objects or activities. When this happens, it's impossible to distract him...

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6-Year-Old Does Not Make Eye Contact with Others

Posted on 9/3/2002

LAY DOWN THE LAW ABOUT 6-YEAR-OLD'S LACK OF EYE CONTACT Q: My daughter is 6, and I am concerned because she rarely makes eye contact when speaking to anyone. Stacy is very bright, listens well,...

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Mom Concerned about Development Skills of Premature 21-Month-Old

Posted on 10/2/2001

FUDD TALK IS OK FOR 21-MONTH-OLD Q: My 21-month-old was premature. As a consequence, her developmental skills are lagging by approximately three months. I'm especially worried about language...

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Developmental Milestones for Social Behaviors

Posted on 10/17/2000

SOCIAL SKILLS HAVE THEIR MILESTONE AGES, TOO Almost everyone is familiar with the concept of milestones as they relate to a child's developmental "health." For example, the average age of...

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7-Year-Old has Difficulty Completing Written Assignments

Posted on 12/21/1999

LEFTY SON MAY JUST NEED PENMANSHIP PRACTICE Q. Our 7-year-old, second-grade son has difficulty completing written assignments, including math. He is left-handed and has some difficulty with...

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Recent Questions

Swim Team Dilemma for 6YO

Posted on 5/18/2024

My 6 year old son is refusing to participate in swim team, because he says it’s hard and I want to quit. In the past we’ve allowed him to quit activities, and he was told he would do swim team and...

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Posted on 2/5/2024

My 11 year old daughter has recently been in trouble for swearing at a teacher, saying “f*** you” because she was embarrassed after her own disobedience to requests to be quiet resulted in a more...

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Avoid Pushing Toddler Too Early

Posted on 1/9/2024

My daughter is 2.5. I don’t plan on starting homeschooling for quite a while yet but my husband feels like we should start working on letters. He started working with her on numbers when she was...

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Posted on 8/24/2023

I have 3 kids- 4, 3, 10 months. The current struggle we are having is with our just turned 3 year old son. Come to think of it, this has been an issue since he could speak. Our son will ask a...

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Posted on 8/23/2023

My granddaughter, who is 9 years old, was adopted as a newborn. Her biological mother used drugs (heroin, cocaine, and methadone on board at delivery). My granddaughter was in NICU for detox for...

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Not Always Smooth Sailing for 2 and 4YO

Posted on 7/13/2023

I am trying to determine age-appropriate behavioral expectations for a 4.5 year old. He is obedient and does small chores. He knows there are behaviors completely unacceptable (hitting, throwing...

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Church Service Woes

Posted on 6/20/2023

Our family attends church services several times a week. We are trying to work with our children (girl, 2 years old and boy, 1 year old) to be quiet in church and are trying to train our daughter...

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Posted on 6/7/2023

My thirteen-year-old son does not want to receive a vaccination that is recommended for males his age. Laws surrounding teens being allowed to refuse vaccines are unclear. Should I try to force my...

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Posted on 4/22/2023

I am wondering what John's assessment is of the Whole Brain Child? To me it seems like the ULTIMATE "babble" and completely contrary to what God's Word says about raising child. I'd love his...

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Should You Expect Eye Contact from 18 MO?

Posted on 4/3/2023

Hello, my son is 18 months of age. When I am giving him an instruction I usually make him give me eye contact, sometimes he listens sometimes he does not. What age is best to enforce eye contact...

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