Discipline Methods (e.g. time-out)
John's Most Recent Articles
School Principal Asks About Discipline
Posted on 10/25/2022
Q: I am a principal at a private church-affiliated school. Contrary to my graduate school training and most of my peers’ practice, I believe disciplinary actions should "fit the crime."...
Read More'Parenting' vs. Child-Rearing
Posted on 8/23/2022
“The goal of parenting is not to control, coerce or punish children into being ‘good.’ The goal of parenting is to grow children who can feel all of their feelings and become empathic...
Read MoreDiscipline Differences Between Divorced Parents
Posted on 5/10/2022
Q: We see my husband's 9-year-old son every other weekend and two weeks in the summer. He has major issues in school with both behavior and doing his work. He's well behaved when he's with us, but...
Read MoreWhen To Use Time-outs
Posted on 1/4/2022
I was once an orthodox believer in the power of time-out—the practice of having a child sit in a somewhat isolated chair for five minutes or so immediately after said child has misbehaved. I...
Read MoreTime Out for Disrespectful 6-Year-old
Posted on 12/21/2021
Q: Whenever—and I most definitely mean every single time—I ask my six-year-old daughter to do something, she becomes very disrespectful. She stomps her foot, yells at me that I make her do...
Read MoreKids Don’t Need Curing, They Need Correcting
Posted on 5/18/2021
No small number of today’s parents view their children through psychological lenses, especially when it comes to misbehavior. Instead of regarding a given misbehavior as simply an error that needs...
Read MoreThe Drama of a Child's Feelings
Posted on 4/20/2021
One of the more unfortunate consequences of relying on advice from mental health “experts” concerning parenting matters has been a one-dimensional understanding of child discipline. Because of the...
Read MoreDiscipline vs. Punishment
Posted on 2/9/2021
Misusing terminology is not simply a matter of semantics. A person who confuses the meaning of words is likely to behave accordingly. That occurred to me during a conversation with...
Read MoreParents Can Recover From Not Getting Over the 'Hump of Parenting'
Posted on 10/20/2020
Q: In a recent column, you identified toddlerhood as “the hump of parenting.” As a grandmother who managed to raise five kids who were out of the house in their early twenties and are responsible...
Read MorePunishment Does Not Cause Mental Health Issues
Posted on 12/31/2019
This is the second in a series on “parent-babble,” as in the same-old, same-old nonsense the mental health industry has been passing off as sound parenting advice since the late 1960s. ...
Read MoreRecent Questions
4 YO Not Fazed By Consequences
Posted 1 week ago
I’m struggling to find compelling consequences for my 4 year old. We’ve tried taking away privileges like TV shows and toys, but she quickly moves on. We’ve tried time out, but the effects are...
Read MoreWhen asking doesn't work
Posted 2 weeks ago
Most evenings when we ask my daughters to clean up (6.5 and 4.5 years old) the 4 year old does one or all of the following; whine, says she can't do it, says it's too much, gets distracted, slowly...
Read MoreHow to hold 5 yro's accountable
Posted on 12/14/2024
I am a single mom of twin boys that are 5. Their father and I have been in court most of the last year in a custody battle. My boys are typically well behaved thanks to reading your books...
Read MoreGive Them an Inch...
Posted on 12/8/2024
We are in the process of resetting a slew of bad behaviors (sibling conflict, avoiding responsibility are currently the focus). I'm seeing an increase in defiance/disobedience, both directly and...
Read MoreDisciplining Autistic 7YO
Posted on 12/8/2024
I have a 7 year old girl. She is autistic and is a slow learner but isn't incapable. She has been slow in learning how to talk but has known and understood the word no for a long time. I'm having...
Posted on 10/18/2024
Hello. We have a 4yr old son who is hitting other students, throwing toys and ignoring teacher's instructions. He has 4 incidents in 2 days and has been suspended for one day from school. In one...
Read MoreMass Confusion Has Taken Over!
Posted on 9/27/2024
I need a reset with our boys, ages 11, 9, 6 & 5. After a season of intense caring for our baby and 2-year-old daughter, things have become a disaster. The top misbehaviors in the house are...
Posted on 9/14/2024
My 3.5-year-old son has always been a strong-willed child. About 6 months ago, we started using your discipline methods which have been great. Before that, we relied heavily on spanking but it...
Read MoreThe Ticket System
Posted on 9/13/2024
We are using John's Ticket System. Should my 4-year-old lose all 5 tickets before lunchtime? Is it reasonable to confine said 4-year-old to his room for the remainder of the day with the exception...
Posted on 9/9/2024
I watched the 7 part video series and I’m wondering what to do if the child is still not complying after you follow those steps. Say I tell my 6 year old to get out of the trampoline and she says...
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Parenting Through Proper Discipline
Posted on 6/15/2023
Firm, consistent discipline is foundational to proper parenting, but it can be one of the hardest challenges parents will face. In this session, you'll learn about: • The Rules of...
Read MoreVideo
Parenting Through Proper Discipline
Posted on 10/13/2023
Firm, consistent discipline is foundational to proper parenting, but it can be one of the hardest challenges parents will face. Approximate runtime: 37 minutes <b>Member Price:...
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