Recent Questions
13 yro are human
Posted on 5/4/2024
Hello. Our 13 year old son is the oldest of our three boys. They are all adopted and are biological brothers. For the past year or so, there has been a handful of times he has gotten angry...
Posted on 4/30/2024
I just listened to a podcast where they discussed stress mastery for highly sensitive people, how we can help ourselves and our children. What resonated with me was the fact that most highly...
Read MoreHandling the death of a parent.
Posted on 3/5/2024
Hello, My 15 year daughter's mother passed away. Her mother and I split a long time ago. I'm so sad that my daughter has to go through this so young. My daughter does have a "step mom" so...
Read MoreFill His Glass
Posted on 2/23/2024
My 9-year-old son is very negative lately. He seems focused on the "bad" parts of the world. He is worried and frustrated about big problems in the world like destroying the environment, for...
Read MoreToddlers struggle with rules.
Posted on 11/30/2023
How do I teach my little people (2.5 and 1.5) to have respect? Often the baby will scream and yell for what he wants and doesn’t use much English yet. My daughter talks clearly but often demands...
Read MoreSocial Anxiety or Low Tolerance for Frustration?
Posted on 11/8/2023
How can I help my 12-year-old son deal with social anxiety when he is in large crowds of people? He is fine in setting with a small number of people but in large crowds he gets very stressed to...
Posted on 10/29/2023
I have 3 boys (10, 10 and 8). I regretfully admit that I have fostered a victim mentality in my 8 year old to the point where he now plays victim outside of the house. When he is playing sports...
Read MoreAn Inconvenient Phobia
Posted on 10/27/2023
Our oldest daughter just turned six. She’s always had a hard time at the doctor & dentist. At almost 3, she was put under to put caps on her front teeth, and when one of them developed an abscess...
Read MoreCharacter over emotions for 5yo
Posted on 10/16/2023
Our 5 year old shows signs of anxiety, and especially separation anxiety. It started when he was two, we moved 5 homes in 6 months (transitioning from the mission field) Bedtimes can be...
Read More5yo being a 5 yo
Posted on 10/3/2023
Our 5 year old son is extremely emotional, and has no governor on his emotions. We don't expect him to have control over his emotions at this age, but we also do not know what is age-appropriate,...
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- Academic Issues
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