Young Adult (19-25 years)

John's Most Recent Articles

Emancipation of Adult Children Can Be Messy

Posted on 6/4/2019

When children were raised, reared, or simply brought up, they emancipated “on time.” Upon high school graduation, children went to college, into the military, or became employed. Some, like my...

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Parent Involvement

Posted on 11/11/2014

Why are young adult children emancipating so much later than they did in 1970, when the average age of male emancipation (independent living, paying one’s own bills) was 21? Why do...

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Biting Finger Nails: What to do?

Posted on 1/21/2014

Q: What can be done to stop a nineteen year old from biting his finger nails? This has been an ongoing habit from early childhood. He's obviously damaging his fingers and maybe even his teeth....

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21-Year-Old Needs Walking Papers

Posted on 2/26/2013

Q: My husband and I have a 21-year-old daughter from his first marriage. She was suspended from college for bad grades and is waiting out her time until she can go back. Meanwhile, she works for...

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Adult Child: What to do?

Posted on 12/11/2012

Q: We have an adult child who doesn't want to grow up. She quit college after two years and moved across the country. As we anticipated, she's having difficulty supporting herself. In fact, she...

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19-Year-Old Girl Dating Sarcastic Boyfriend

Posted on 3/15/2011

Is it verbal abuse or just snide humor? It appears that a recent column of mine had an effect similar to a Rorschach inkblot: People read their own personal experiences and/or biases into it...

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19-Year-Old Girl Dating Negative Boyfriend

Posted on 3/1/2011

Boyfriend just needs to grow up Q. Our 19-year-old daughter is dating a 19-year-old, who, in general, we like. He's not a partier, he's serious about his education, etc. The problem is that his...

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Kids Hitting Parents

Posted on 2/22/2011

A hidden abuse problem: Kids who assault parents One of the more heartbreaking consequences of the "psychological" parenting philosophy and style that American parents began adopting in the...

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20-Something Daughter Back Home

Posted on 1/26/2010

Parents need to teach adult daughter to take care of herself A colleague of mine used to say, "Don't ask a question if you don't want the answer." A reader recently asked me what rules she...

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College Graduate Returning Home

Posted on 12/29/2009

IN FORMERLY EMPTY NEST, SHE'LL RUFFLE FEATHERS Q. What, if any, ground rules can and should parents set for a child returning to live at home after college graduation? My husband and I are...

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Recent Questions


Posted on 4/30/2024

I just listened to a podcast where they discussed stress mastery for highly sensitive people, how we can help ourselves and our children. What resonated with me was the fact that most highly...

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Don't micromanage a 19 year old.

Posted on 4/23/2024

My son is almost 19, planning to attend college away from home in the fall. I've been trying for years to limit his tv and phone/screen time. I've been told he's too old for this change. I...

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Posted on 4/14/2022

Dr. Rosemond, Do you have a list of schools which you recommend to kids going to college? I am looking for a university that focuses on inspiring intellectual, academic and spiritual...

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Parent Apologies: Choosing Relationship Over Being Right with Adult Child

Posted on 1/19/2022

This question builds off of a prior one answered by Gretchen Slover. Last summer, my 18-year-old daughter lost about 15-20 pounds. She was at about 130 at her peak and in good shape. My ex-wife...

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Change can happen but will it?

Posted on 11/6/2021

My 29 year old grandson is a higher functioning autistic boy. As long as I can remember, this boy will not stop stealing.He is always remorseful after the fact, but it is just a matter of time...

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Let's Celebrate Independence Day! "Movin' On Up" may mean "Movin' on Out" for 19-yr old

Posted on 9/25/2021

My daughters boyfriend is the youngest child in his family. He is 19 and working a full time job and is a 2nd degree blackbelt and is involved in his dojo. Since he has been dating my daughter I...

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Consult Medical Doctor for Questions About Medication

Posted on 7/28/2021

Our 22 yr-old son started taking Vyvance and Adderall early on in college after someone introduced him to the “benefits”. He has been listening to John Rosemond recently and concluded himself that...

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Tough Love Needed For 25 YO Daughter

Posted on 6/13/2021

How do I correct the co-dependent relationship I have with my 25 year old daughter--that I just came to recognize. I'm a people pleaser and she's a controller, so guess who wins... I need help....

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19 Year-old Son's Girlfriend Glued to Her Phone

Posted on 3/22/2021

My nineteen-year-old son is living at home attending college during COVID. His girlfriend comes to visit on the weekends. She does not engage in conversation with me or make eye contact but is...

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Encouraging Peace

Posted on 1/11/2021

My son is 19 and is living at home while attending college. His father has a narcissistic personality disorder. He lives and works in another state but travels home every other week. There is...

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John Rosemond on The Chris Salcedo Show (Newsmax)

Posted on 10/5/2023

Watch John's interview on The Chris Salcedo Show where he discusses the fatherless home epidemic in America and how it is contributing to the rise in juvenile antisocial behavior. Air Date:...

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