

John Rosemond on Without Notes 2.0 with Michael Levine

Posted on 4/28/2024

John Rosemond is one of the foremost parenting experts in the world. He's the author of 15 books and is a much sought-after public speaker. His sometimes controversial parenting approach revolves...

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Insights into Parenting with John Rosemond | The Mind For Life Podcast

Posted on 6/29/2023

In this interview, John walks through his philosophy of parenting and childrearing. Topics that John talks about: • HIs background and journey to becoming and expert in the field of child...

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John Rosemond on Rock Solid Radio

Posted on 3/16/2023

When something is brand new does that make it better than something that is old? At first thought we might think yes, but the older we get the more often we see that just because something is new...

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Dad to Dad With John Rosemond

Posted on 3/16/2023

John on the <a href="https://21stcenturydads.org/donate/">Dad to Dad Podcast</a> from the Special Fathers Network, Copyright 2022

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PragerU Live: Family Psychologist John Rosemond

Posted on 3/16/2023

Family psychologist John Rosemond joins Elisha Krauss to discuss some of the biggest myths about how parents & teachers should speak to kids, and how to ACTUALLY get kids to listen. From <a...

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