Time for a Reset


Clarification to my follow up question: When you say impose consequences... often my consequences are extra chores. I do not know what else to offer as a consequence. They're too young to take away social time, and their major social time is going to their Sunday school - which I don't feel taking away church time to be ok. If I've taken away their belongings and they have nothing to play with anyway (garden kick), then that's also not another option. We did take away TV time and Bedtime Stories. But I guess this is the trouble I get into... by imposing a consequence such as an extra chore, that's where they fail to do the chore at all or appropriately and take so long in doing it. So if I do the extra chore, then i'm doing their consequence for them. We are limited financially, so we are not able to offer our kids a lot of extracurricular activities to even take away.

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