John's Articles

... But I'm Not Retiring!

Posted 2 weeks ago

My license to practice psychology, issued by the North Carolina Psychology Board in 1978, comes up for renewal in October, as it does every two years. Like everything that emanates from or is...

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It All Begins With the Terrible Twos

Posted on 4/3/2024

In one of my alter-egos, I’m a songwriter. I began writing songs during my seven-year tenure as the lead singer in a rock ‘n’ roll band while in college and graduate school and I’ve been writing...

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The Dark Triad Must Not Stand!

Posted on 3/27/2024

In 2002, two psychologists formulated the concept of the “Dark Triad,” referring to three toxic personality types: narcissistic, Machiavellian, and psychopathic. As usual, psychologists make...

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When Your Father Got Home

Posted on 2/28/2024

The most terrifying words a child of the baby boom generation ever heard: “I’m going to tell your father about this when he gets home.” Or, “Your father is not going to like it when I tell him...

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15 New Year's Resolutions for Parents

Posted on 1/1/2024

<b>Given that the new year is upon us, I'm proposing a number of parenting resolutions for my readers to consider. The list is by no means comprehensive. It's just a good beginning on what is...

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Don't Make Santa Claus Into a Boogie Man

Posted on 12/8/2023

Okay, stop it! Enough, already! I guess we need some rules around here, beginning and ending with, “Don’t make Santa Claus into a boogie man.” I know him personally and he’s the...

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Parents of Bullies Can (and Should) Stop the Cycle

Posted on 10/4/2023

A sixth-grade teacher recently shared the following story with me: Two girls in her class were making fun of a classmate whose family was struggling financially. The girl was socially awkward and...

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Society Has Dumbed-Down the Definition of Bullying

Posted on 10/3/2023

Noting that October is Bullying Prevention Month, several editors have asked if I am willing to write an apropos column. I am and for two reasons feel eminently qualified to do so. ...

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The Blessing of Being Unpopular

Posted on 8/16/2023

When my daughter Amy entered middle school, she looked two to three years younger than most of her female peers. That was a blessing to me, of course, but from Amy's perspective, it was a curse....

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Resolutions for a New School Year

Posted on 8/16/2023

With a new school year upon us, it might be wise for parents of school-age children to make some resolutions, as in promises to themselves to change certain behaviors, avoid certain pitfalls,...

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Please, If You Have Any Compassion, Stop It!

Posted on 7/11/2023

Today’s parents, more specifically, and I say this at the risk of being cancelled by the PC police, today’s MOTHERS, read too much, talk too much, and think too much. They read too many parenting...

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And the Eyes of Both of Them Were Opened

Posted on 6/23/2023

Circa 450 BC, Greek philosopher Protagoras coined his most famous line: “Man is the measure of all things.” That is a claim, not a fact. It is, in fact, mankind’s chief claim to fame. Man was...

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The Paradox of the Great Dad

Posted on 6/14/2023

What is a “great dad”? The question came up during conversation with a young man in his late twenties who remarked that several equally young men of his acquaintance were “great dads.” In my...

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Youth Sports Drive Adults Crazy

Posted on 6/6/2023

My family moved to Westchester, Illinois, in 1956, where I began fourth grade at High Ridge School. At the time, my athletic skills consisted of catching and throwing a baseball. The kids in my...

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We Shouldn't Always Shield Our Children From Pain

Posted on 6/6/2023

The depraved excepted, parents do not enjoy making children unhappy. Nevertheless, sometimes it is in a child's best interest that parents - while not deliberately trying to induce unhappiness -...

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Why Hanna Sleeps With Us

Posted on 5/9/2023

My wife, Willie (nee Wilma), and I are the happy caretakers of a happy seventeen-month-old pure white toy schnauzer, Hanna. Hanna occupies the center of our attention. If you spent a day in our...

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Column Retirement Announcement

Posted on 5/8/2023

The time has come, as was inevitable. I began writing my column for my local paper – the Gastonia, NC, Gazette – in 1976. The Charlotte Observer picked it up in 1978 and put it on the...

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What Constitutes a Good Mother?

Posted on 5/7/2023

With Mother's Day upon us, I’m going to talk about mothers—one in particular. To begin with, assuming one believes his or her mother is worthy of admiration, then said esteem ought...

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Daughter Worries About Getting Sick Again

Posted on 4/18/2023

Q: Our 7-year-old daughter recently had a short-lived stomach virus. Ever since she has been fearful that eating may make her sick. Every night at dinner she becomes concerned that she’s...

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Don't Turn Little Issues Into Big Problems

Posted on 4/11/2023

Q: My almost-3-year-old, when I begin to do something, will yell, “I WILL DO IT!” When it’s something he can do, fine, but if it’s not, then I just say, “No, Mommy will do it” and that’s the end...

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Solve Behavioral Issues With Good Leadership

Posted on 4/4/2023

The question parents most frequently ask begins “What should I do when my child…?” and closes with a description of a vexing behavior, as in, “What should I do when my child bites the family...

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Is It Okay for a Toddler to Play With His Food?

Posted on 3/28/2023

Q: Our 22-month-old son has developed a bad habit of spitting out bites of food. The first time it happened, I had set a cup on his tray while he was still chewing a bite of food. He...

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Rosemond’s Bill of Rights for Children

Posted on 3/21/2023

In 1993, President Clinton signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international treaty that extends to children the rights to associate with whom they please and have...

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Father Feels Rejected by 18-Month-Old Son

Posted on 3/14/2023

“What have I done to cause my 18-month-old son to reject me?” asks a new dad. Whenever he tries to hold his son, feed, dress, or change him, the child puts up great resistance and screams...

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Grandparents, Hold Onto Your Hats

Posted on 3/7/2023

Our Question of the Week is, “Pray tell, what is ‘outdated’ about obedience, respect, proper manners, and humility?” Said QOTW is prompted by numerous grandparents who have...

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Leadership, Not Friendship

Posted on 2/28/2023

Q: I recently read an article by a parenting expert who said adults need to earn the respect of children. That seems like one more progressive attempt to undermine parental authority. I...

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Who Decides Choices — Parent or Child?

Posted on 2/21/2023

My wife and I were enjoying an evening out in one of our favorite restaurants when a family of three—mother, father, girl of perhaps four—were shown to a table next to ours. Immediately, the...

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Toddler Q&A

Posted on 2/14/2023

Q: When we reprimand our 34-month-old daughter for something, anything, she begins to wail like we’re beating her. Whether we firmly redirect or simply say, "No,” she begins to wail like...

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ADHD Due to Environmental Factors, Not Genetics

Posted on 2/7/2023

A major American newspaper recently published a letter from a gentleman who, apparently speaking from personal experience, claimed that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a real...

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The End of Mere Childrearing

Posted on 1/31/2023

“What went wrong, John?” asked a fellow boomer who, like many folks my age, are dismayed at what has happened within the American family over our lifetimes. Specifically, we have seen the end of...

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Commonsense Knows the Truth About Self Esteem

Posted on 1/24/2023

A fellow psychologist says I paint with too broad a brush concerning the devastating effect mental health professional advice has had on children. He claims that some of the changes in parenting...

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'The Doctor' Prevails Again

Posted on 1/17/2023

Regular readers of this column are no doubt familiar with my imaginary friend, The Doctor. I often call upon him to solve behavior problems of various sorts concerning young children. Well, The...

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How to Make No-TV Rule Stick

Posted on 1/10/2023

Q: I’m a single mom who works from home. At noon, I pick up my 5-year-old from half-day kindergarten. Because I’m unable to pay attention to her while I’m working, she wants to watch...

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Solution to Teens Leaving Clothes on Floor

Posted on 1/3/2023

Q: Getting my daughters, fifteen and thirteen, to pick up their clothes from the floors of their rooms requires constant nagging from me. I’m at my wit’s end. Please help me out with...

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Starting Toilet Training Early Pays Off

Posted on 12/27/2022

Q: My grandmother maintains that her children – my mother and her two siblings, all born in the 1950s – were completely toilet trained at 18 months. Her terse explanation: “I just gave...

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Connect Son With Person You Both Trust

Posted on 12/20/2022

Q: Our fifteen-year-old son has pronounced mental health issues. He deals with multiple anxieties, depression, and is painfully shy. You seem to believe that psychological therapy is of...

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Odd Behavior Does Not Always Need Psychological Diagnosis

Posted on 12/13/2022

When America’s mental health industry sees the opportunity to broaden its influence, they pounce. If said opportunity presents itself in the form of odd behavior on the part of certain children,...

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Drama-Free Bedtime

Posted on 11/29/2022

Q: Several months ago, my husband and I allowed our five-year-old daughter to sleep with us for a couple of nights. We thought this was innocent, but she began crying hysterically when we...

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The Cult of 'Gentle Parenting'

Posted on 11/22/2022

This is the Age of the Parenting Cult, the latest iteration of which is so-called “gentle parenting.” GP is the latest attempt by America’s mental health industry to persuade moms (today’s all-too...

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Help Son Learn to Give and Take In Conversation

Posted on 11/15/2022

Q: My just-turned four-year-old repeats things he has heard or has said before. For example, even though my brother’s family moved away nearly two years ago, whenever we drive by their...

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Playing Well With Toddlers

Posted on 11/8/2022

Q: I have two boys, 18 and 33 months. How much time each day should I spend involved in activities with them? Also, they chase one another around the house and other sorts of...

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The Problem With Pull-Ups

Posted on 11/1/2022

I finally tracked down the fellow who invented the so-called “pull-up.” His name is Lucapher (Big Lou) Saytan. Reputedly, Mr. Saytan lives in an underground bunker from which he develops and...

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School Principal Asks About Discipline

Posted on 10/25/2022

Q: I am a principal at a private church-affiliated school. Contrary to my graduate school training and most of my peers’ practice, I believe disciplinary actions should "fit the crime."...

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The Importance of Manners

Posted on 10/18/2022

One of the characteristics of a truly civilized society is the ubiquitous use of proper social courtesies. Raising a child is all about civilizing the savage within; therefore, “manners,” as they...

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Alternatives to the High Five

Posted on 10/11/2022

Well, I must say I'm rather, uh, disappointed albeit my worst suspicions have been verified. I expected response to my recent column on the practice of high-fiving children, but I failed to...

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‘Gentle Parenting’ Appeals to Emotion, Not Reason

Posted on 10/4/2022

Q: My husband and I recently visited our son’s family. We live two thousand miles apart and with the pandemic and all, hadn’t seen one another in several years. We were appalled to...

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Stop High-Fiving Kids

Posted on 9/27/2022

Arrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh! Will you please just stop doing that, please? Every time I see it, I want to scream, and I’m not an emotionally hyperactive person. I’m talking about adults high-fiving...

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Leadership vs Discipline

Posted on 9/20/2022

A mother recently asked my advice concerning a discipline problem she was having with one of her children. I asked her to define the word discipline. She thought a moment and answered, “Well,...

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When It Comes to Your Child’s Education, You Know Better Than Them

Posted on 9/14/2022

Q: I have homeschooled my seventh-grade daughter on and off through elementary school. This school year, I began homeschooling her, but she’s now telling me she wants to go to “real”...

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Homeschool Discipline Problems

Posted on 9/6/2022

Q: Ever since toddlerhood, we have had significant behavior problems with our 6-year-old son—defiance and general disrespect, mostly. We have tried various disciplinary approaches with...

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 42.