Keep Potty Training Positive- Don't Punish For Accidents


Hi, our daughter is 2yrs 10mo old. We potty trained her 9 months ago using the “naked and $75” method from John Rosemond’s book Toilet Training Without Tantrums. Potty training clicked with her on day 5 and she was having zero accidents at home.

She was in daycare until 3 weeks ago. At daycare, she was having numerous accidents every single day. She really wasn’t getting the help/encouragement/instruction she needed with potty training. We’ve since hired a nanny and the accidents have gone down significantly. My question is, is there ever a time (or age) to punish the child for accidents? For example, she tells me “I need to go pee-pee,” I tell her to hold it, but she widens her stance and pees where she’s standing. She makes no attempt to hold it from what I can tell but instead prepares to pee right where she’s standing. I guess we were hoping potty training would be “done” by now since it’s been 9 months of working on it. This is our first child so we really don’t know what is normal. How long before a child is accident-free?

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