Son and Mom Problem


Hi. 13-Year-old boy. Home school, avid reader, no screens, movies on weekend. Tennis player. Plays outside. I love everything Rosemond. But I have never been great at putting it into effect. My husband always has. So, my son behaves when he is with dad home or away, not with me. Not for teachers on my watch also, like piano. When my son is with me, he speaks rudely, and wreaks havoc at home by antagonizing his 3 yr. old brother,11 yr. old sister, and me. Tantrums, yelling, bad language, and is physical at times. Dad does not mind being the heavy but has never spanked or wanted to. He has tried it with my son for his behavior with me. I do not support it and get in the way so he stopped, but urges ME to get physical with him because I lack consistency in other areas and have allowed the problem to arise by inaction. He does not really want this, is just reaching for a solution. I know I am the core issue, please help me to deal with my son so that it does not have to be physical, and I can manage him.

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