Time for a Reboot


Since the first email our son (8yrs) was operated on for septic arthritis 6 months ago. The pain returned 2weeks ago (now gone). His hip bone has a small weakness and he needs to ensure he has no accidents for 6 months. We had planned to send him to school next month but since this, we are unsure. He is accident prone.
While sick his misbehaviour was mammoth! If anything he's worse since we kicked him out of the garden (over 1yr ago). Today he threw the front door keys into the bushes (still hasn’t admitted it) and it was an hour of us being locked out before he ‘found them’.
A month ago we told him lose no stickers for 2 weeks = all his books back (main love). He has 5 stickers daily, if the last is lost he really lets rip. He is crying saying it is too difficult; we didn’t budge. I really wonder if he has the ability to focus on a long term goal.
I feel that his physical health is very much affected by his emotional health
How to get out of the ditch? Any advice about the key incident?

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