Convert Nap Time to Quiet Time As Toddler Outgrows Naps


My just turned 2 year old toddler is refusing naps. She has been out of routine since the clocks have changed and as we have just moved and not been at home for nap times so I’ve let her sleep in the buggy in order to facilitate my sons home education but I realise this is not working nor sustainable for her to wake at 6am, be awake until 3pm, then not sleeping at night. It’s driving me to the point of insanity and I have no time to do anything let alone provide my son with education. It’s just stress from the minute she wakes until she falls asleep at night at which point I am too exhausted to do anything and my house is unbearable. I know houses are not to be spotless with toddlers around but this is beyond a mess. I’ve tried getting both children out in the morning then coming back just before lunch to put my toddler down for a nap but she will scream or giggle in the cot for well over an hour and then fall asleep in the buggy when I have to go out and then not sleep at night. So she is awake alllllll day creating chaos and I am tired barely surviving.
She also refuses breakfast and lunch and then when we are out she gets hungry and I cannot keep providing her with snacky food. I can’t stay in the house all day either.
I don’t know what to do.

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