Lower the Boom


I feel as though i'm being held hostage by my 13 yo daughter. The most recent behavior/disipline action was her taking her older sister's clothes without asking when she went away on a 3 day trip. We've been battling this for some time and have left it to them to work out. (she takes something on almost a daily basis from bras to belts .) I sat them both down last night to review our family's code of conduct and to remind them to respect each others things. Also, to remind them of their weekly chores and if they don't do them they won't get to take there smart phones with them to camp in two weeks , i'll get them prepaid ones to call us. Well she has again reacted way over the top (bringing her sister down with her) and handed her phone to us and said fine I'm not doing any chores and now refuses to talk to my husband or i which can last for days, the silent treatment. She'll go to her room after school, no interaction and be miserable.

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