Troubled Teen/Perplexed Parents



We have a problem dealing with our 15 yr old son's violent behavior when we take his phone or he gets grounded. He has been caught taking his older brother's car late at night (without even a learner's permit) to drive around or try to buy a vape. He is also disrespectful in the way he speaks to his dad and I. His grades have plummeted to where he is on academic probation at his private christian school. My question is regarding a story from "Teen Proofing" which shares a story on page 175-177. The child was picked up from school and driven to a place where Christine would stay. Can you share the name of th, so e place? We have considered sending our son to Camden military (where my husband finished his schooling due to going off the wrong track), however our son is adamant about not going. We have brought him to a pschologist where they would hep him with medicine and behavior modification, however my son refuses medicine or to talk to a counselor. What do you suggest?

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