The Time for Tough Love is NOW


My son is 19 years old and has been graduated from high school for 1 1/2 years. His teen years were a struggle with almost not graduating, drug use and getting into trouble with the law. He no longer getting into trouble but I know he does use pot on occasion (his dad supplies that :/). but he refuses to get a license, a job, or go to school. I have offered endless resources and assistance in obtaining these but he refuses. I do think, and in the opinion of a therapist I spoke to about him, that he has mental health issues, but he refuses to get help or speak to anyone. His reason for not pursuing a job, school, or license is that he is working on himself and his relationship with God and God is going to use him for the coming end times. He does not have a cell phone and I do not support him financially in anyway (besides he lives with me and eats my food). He is respectful at home and does help out when asked. His dad is of no help or support obviously by allowing him to use his pot at his house but dad will not let him live there without a job). I do not know what to do. It stresses me out and causes a lot of anxiety. I do not want to see him homeless on the streets but he will not let me help him or listen to me. Any advice you can give would be appreciated. Thank you

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