Wayward Twins


(See past posts) 18yr old daughter decided to move in w boyfriend(BF) on 08/10/14 even though we said we would NOT support this(NOT Gods plan).. we are NOT the banker any longer=100% of all expenses are hers-We sat her down asked for car insurance card, health insurance card, cell phone (which she REFUSED-we said fine it will be cancelled tomorrow) she has been DISRESPECTFUL to the point I don't answer phone w her DEMANDS..$2100 of HS graduation money was put in saving accnt marked COLLEGE..she called demanding I write the check directly to her..I said NO I will write out to the college..she said she needs money bad for $300 cell phone she just bought, insurances & gas money..Our whole family is in turmoil...She ask people how my husband is doing as she has a VERY DEEP concern for his well being with "me" & how he is treated by me as that is why she had to leave the house(trying to justify living w a guy is ok) She lives 45 Miles away from college, uses the BF parents car to drive..she has $0 in her savings, no car as her & her sister shared one...She has her twin sister steal stuff out of our house..now twin sister wants to hang out at her sister/BF place all the time..She changed HUGE over past 2wks..caught her in several lies...I am worried for her twin sister that she will be pulled into this sinful life...how to I make a PERMINANT memory for my other twin daughter about her sister making her steel, etc. Haven't seen my other twin daughter open a college book...Auto insurance requires transcript ever semester...I know this WILL affect both daughters going to college...We are not paying one cent for the daughter that moved in with BF & the other daughter we are paying it monthly...What would you recommend I do w both daughters..the ones already going down the wrong path & the sister is trying to pull her twin sister down w her..all our one daughter does is tells everyone how HORRIBLE we are & she can't take it anymore..so she says lies about us...she sold her old cell phone when it didn't belong to her its in my name now my daughter is having the people who bought the phone from her call me...cell phone company wont switch it to new owners as it's owned by me.

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