Should My Teen Miss Prom?


What is your advice regarding grounding teenagers such that they miss major milestone events or rites of passage? I would greatly like to avoid punishments such as missing prom or graduation; however, we are dealing with a senior who has completely stopped doing schoolwork and was already grounded before smuggling contraband electronics (laptop and cellphone) to circumvent the terms of being grounded. She was also recently caught with contraband drugs & vapes. Vapes are extremely serious because 2nd-hand vapor causes life-threatening reactions for her mother (who is also currently pregnant). The petulant teenager insists that she "doesn't care" if the vapes could harm her mother or unborn sibling and further insists that the reactions are anxiety (as opposed to reactive airway disease, as diagnosis by a medical professional). She does not have a car or a license, and all electronics have already been restricted, so is there a way to avoid grounding her from prom and/or graduation?

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