Overspending Lunch Account


My son's school is using a new foodservice company. There have been some bumps as they navigate how to configure it. As of now 5-12 grades are allowed to bill whatever they want to the family account. They offer soft drinks and candy and cookies in addition to lunches. We send our son with a lunch and allow him to buy two days a week but we keep getting billed when he buys soft drinks and candy and we are trying to figure out a consequence that works. We have tried billing him for the things he purchases without permission. While he has that debt, he has to be in bed by 7 PM. We give him a chore list to earn the money back to repay us. He didn't seem too bothered by it and dragged it out for over a week , even when we moved his bedtime to 6:30 until we told him they had to be done that day. Any ideas? We discovered today that in addition to the sugar he has been tossing his lunches and billing lunches to his account.

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