Help, We Disagree on How to Discipline our 12yo Granddaughter


I am asking for help regarding my choice of discipline versus my husband's.
We are raising our 12 year old granddaughter. She has been in our home for 3 years. Her mother is a recovering addict and her father died 3 years ago.
My husband and I disagree on how to discipline her. He wants to try reasoning and my approach has been to expect respect and consequences for her actions. His reasoning is that she has had a tough life and we need to give her time to heal. He chooses to explain to her how her actions are not acceptable and how they might affect others but then gives no consequences for her actions.
I realize that I am a disciplinarian by nature. If she begs and pleads for something I've already said no to I send her to her room. He says I should explain why she shouldn't before I give consequences. I've always been brought up no means no. We constantly argue over his view of discipline versus mine. To my granddaughter, I am always the bad guy and receive little to no respect or appreciation for what I do for her.
Should we consider her past life experiences when disciplining her?

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