"Special Tantrum Place" for Tantrums


My son (21 months) is in full blown “terrible twos.” He does lots of throwing fits. When they happen he gets a swat on the bottom and has to sit in his bed until he will be sweet and say he’s sorry. Whenever I say no or tell him not to do a certain thing he throws a fit and often in his rage will hit whatever is near by or throw toys. Since he’s still little it doesn’t really hurt anything or anyone but the attitude is dangerous. Now he’s started hitting his sister (2.5 yrs) if she won’t hand over the toy he wants or will hit me or his father when we punish him for throwing a fit or doing something wrong. Discipline is given. We have told him over and over that it is bad to hit people and disciplined him over and over for it. But so far I don’t see any improvement in the fits or hitting and we have been trying to be consistent for months. I’m doing all I know to do but nothing seems to be encouraging him to change. Do we just hang on until it “clicks” or should we do something else?

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