How to decide to use chart or ticket system for 3 kids? 11 y/o and 9 y/o sons would have same misbehaviors #1 Do things 1st time asked #2 Clean up after yourself #3 Aggravating sibling (Sibling Rivalry). My 11 y/o would be out of 5 tickets quickly and 9 y/o kind of. My 4 y/o daughter is relatively well behaved and could work on cleaning up after herself and not interrupting adults when talking. I respond often with sibling rivalry "go figure it out". Our 11 y/o intermittently receives emails from school about how he treats others and not responding with words when adults talk to him and these are the same issues at home. After these behaviors are under control, our 11 y/o would need to work on not talking back and 9 y/o not whining all the time. I've read The Well Behaved Child and just need a better understanding of how to deal with 3 different kids where 11 y/o is high misbehavior, 9 y/o feels horrible when any time he is in trouble and 4 y/o very low misbehavior. Thanks!