Head Hurter


When my 22-month-old son is told no, he will usually obey but he will take his fist and hit the side of his head (hard!) repeatedly or will start running until he falls and then will bang his head on the floor repeatedly. Any tips? I’ve tried ignoring and looking the other way or walking the opposite direction. I’ve tried distracting him. I’ve tried scooping him up and taking him to “a tantrum room” but sometimes I can’t get there quick enough. I’ve also tried grabbing his fists or trying to prevent the head banging but that makes him angrier. I have read through the posts about drawing a circle for the head banging but not sure he will quite understand that. I thought about making it a game and mirroring him… like taking my fist and tapping the side of my head and saying “knock knock” or sitting down on the ground and clapping??

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