8 yro needs to learn to give some R-E-S-P-E-C-T


I have 3 sons: 4,6,8. My oldest has been a challenge for us. He does well academically. There are some requests at school to have him listen or think through questions before asking. But these requests have been minimal. At home, he tends to be our biggest challenge. His behavior, refusal to follow direction and disrespect for the family grows as he becomes tired or moody. In the last few months, he has said he wants to live with another family, he packs a small bag and walks out the door never leaving the front yard. This threat is now his favorite threat. I have decided to send him to his room everyday immediately following camp for one hour until he can prove he can meet the rules of the house. Any other advice? How far do you let him run away before stopping him? We live in a safe neighborhood and I have allowed him to walk around the block by himself. If he threatens to leave the yard, how do I step in without making it worse? I want to stand strong but only when it is safe to do so.

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