I’m struggling to understand how to enact delayed consequences as described in The “Nipping” Principle and could use some suggestions.
It’s easy enough to do while on errands as both my 5 and 6 yr old are on ticket systems, but what about when we have company over? Recently the 5 yr old lost all her tickets and was confined to her room, yet grandparents were set to visit later that day. It seems counter-productive to let her out of confinement to have a fun-filled afternoon being spoiled by grandparents, yet they want to be able to see her and interact with her. What would be a good solution in this type of situation?
What about long weekends away from home, either visiting family or mini-vacations? What about a week long family vacation? How would I use both the ticket system they are currently on as well as delayed consequences in both these types of situations? Something to keep in mind - my 5 yr old is a high misbehaver who has needed multiple disciplinary actions in both these scenarios, although she wasn’t on a ticket system then nor were we using the principles laid out in "The Well-Behaved Child".