2-year-old whining for a playmate


I have a wonderful just turned two year old son. He loves to play, but he doesn't love to play by himself. I also have a 5 month old, and work part time from home, so it's important that he learn to occupy himself (at least until the baby is old enough to be a playmate!). I understand that he's only two, so perhaps my expectations are too high. But he whines all day long, begging me to play with him. When I say no, he cries, tantrums, brings me toys, anything to coerce me into playing! Usually I tell him, "No. Mommy's busy doing ____. You need to go play. When I'm done, I can play with you for a bit." I am very firm and do not give in, but still he whines and cries and throws If he isn't whining, he's getting into something he knows he shouldn't be. Am I expecting too much from him? If not, how do I teach him to self-entertain?

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