Be the Adult in the Room


Here goes the scenario, most of the time this happens while eating dinner, where one of my step kids will correct my "wording" or how I "phrased some words" I used in a sentence. I work all day and come home to let my guard down and I take it personally (I feel dumb) when they constantly have to correct my grammar. Yes, sometimes I mis-speak, but they know exactly what I mean without having to say "whatever word" I didn't say correctly. To be honest, writing this question I feel dumb, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Would you consider them correcting me, they're trying to control dinner, and it is a power thing for them? Do I just need to not be so sensitive after a long day at work? When I get upset and call them out they always say were "joking". I mean I could make them feel "dumb" all the time with all the things they don't know how to do.

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