Hello. My husband and I have two kids, one 20-month old boy and one 2-month old girl. The younger one is an easy baby and the older one likes his baby sister (exhibited by kissing her all the time). In week days, the older kid haOcs the routine of being sent to daycare in the morning by his dad, being picked up by his grandparents to play at their house for an hour or so before I pick him up on my way from work, dinner, bath, and finally being read to by his father and being laid to the crib awake.
A couple of weeks ago, my husband left for military training and will be gone for about six months. Since them, the grandparents have stepped up to help me manage the two kiddos, including taking big kid to daycare in the morning, helping with bedtime routines, etc. I don't know if all these changes are just too much, but my son has started fighting bedtime (cry when we told him to go to the bathtub when he previously would willingly do so) and fighting going to daycare. He is otherwise still a happy little kid, but these meltdowns are stressing me out and I don't know what to do -- with the little kid being little and me returning back to work full time soon, I will continue needing the grandparents to help out with various routines.
Thank you for any guidance.