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Our middle child, a 5 year old boy, has intense emotions. We have (re)started the ticket system with him and his older brother, and he consistently loses tickets after school in the car. We have had a recent move, and he is for the first time in a full day school program. I think he is somewhat tired when get gets in the car, but he generally ends up whining, kicking the back of my seat, screaming or throwing something. The most common time this happens is when we get to our house, and he asks me to carry him into the house. I consistently tell him I will not carry him, and remind him to get his school bag and come inside to unpack it. At this point, he throws a fit as I described above. I walk away from the car into the house after telling him he lost a ticket, so I am not getting into an argument with him.

Can you suggest any tactics to avoid this explosion after school? I don't want to cater to him, but I also know he is tired after a long day.

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