The Preschooler: in her Untamed Primal Glory


My 3.5 year old daughter is having issues at Preschool and nothing we do seems to help. She will have days where her behavior is good and then other days she gets in trouble (throwing things, ripping books, hitting teachers and kids) and is sent home. Nothing we do at home seems to affect her behavior at school. It seems we have tried everything from positive reinforcement and rewards to spanking, extended time-outs, taking toys and privileges away - and nothing works. When we ask her why she is behaving this way she always says "She wants to go home". We are at a loss of what to do. She is generally well behaved at home and in other settings like Sunday school or playgroups. It is also concerning that she just does not seem remorseful when she misbehaves at school. Sometimes she even smiles after we punish her! We are worried and at our wits end. Any advice?

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