Help! Quarantine Has Thrown a Kink in Our Schedule!


My husband has been working from home for the last few months and this has brought new challenges with our 5 and 6 year old boys. Prior to him working from home I had a routine of them playing in the designated area for a certain amount of time without my involvement. We had a routine for the day that for the most part was working. If I had to get involved for fights they were sent to separate rooms for a while and that usually got them back on track and I could stay out of things and have some peace and get stuff done. With my husband at home the boys are constantly disturbing him or me and being disruptive while he's on phone calls. I'll send them outside for a time but they don't comply, inside they get too loud and crazy then we'll try again outside. maybe separate rooms and it's an all day bad cycle of my hovering involvement with their playtime and micromanaging in order to allow my husband to do his work which is demanding of his time and attention. The boys don't understand that but we've backtracked with their behavior during this time probably because they are trying to get attention from both of us but especially him and I'm micromanaging them. I'm just not sure how to get on track.

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