Our 6-year-old daughter does not like to occupy herself. When we ask her to play by herself, she keeps coming from her room asking us to play with her or asking us to be with her. But when she is with us, we cannot do what we need, because she keeps touching things without permission or she jumps and shouts and distracts us in many other ways. So me and my wife get irritated and send her to the room. When she is told strictly not to leave the room, she would stay in her room for a while but she would rarely play with her toys. What she would do in her room is rolling on the bed, screaming some words or playing noisy games. We see that she does not like to be in her room and tries to find every possible opportunity to leave it and join us.
Question: is it ok and for how long to send the 6-year old child play by herself? Please comment her unwillingness to play by herself.
Thank you!