Early Riser


We are, and have been, dealing with a host of behavior issues with our "strong willed" 6-year-old daughter (who, by the way, is apparently an angel and wonderful role model in school). One of the main issues that we think may feed the other behavior issues (like tantrums, bossiness with friends, not doing what we ask, etc) is the fact that she wakes up every single day between 4:30-5:30 am (goes to bed between 7-8 each night). When she wakes up, despite MANY efforts, she insists on waking everyone else in the house up as well. So, not only do we all wake up in a bad mood, she is a zombie nightmare by the time she gets off the bus from kindergarten at 4 p.m. We feel like we've tried everything, but I will literally take this child to a shaman if it meant finding a solution to this problem.

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