Girls Will Be Girls...


I had written in last year about a situation with my daughter and another little girl in her class. We had a horrible year last year because of a girl in my daughter's pre k class that seemed to be a very negative influence on my daughter
(acting out at home, talking back, being disrespectful to the rest of the family - in constant trouble). She was saying things that were so inappropriate, we finally had to meet with the head of the school and the teacher and they had to "shadow" this girl on the playground.
Clearly we had the school separate them this year and we have had a fantastic year - yesterday we had a birthday party and all of the girls were invited - I came to pick my daughter up only to find her playing with this particular girl. She then told me that she hung out with her the entire party and that they "spied" on all the other girls at the party - which means she didn't play with anyone else nor did she participate in the activities at the birthday party.
Today she is home and I feel like I am reliving the behavior of last year. I sat down her down and said - do you know what your behavior is reminding of - and she said - K*** ( girls name) and I said yes… so clearly she is aware of how she is acting. She told me that she would just continue you play with her and just not tell me. She is 6.
I realize that summer is coming and I can control a lot of this - but this child will be around…. year after year and I need to know the steps to take to try and get her to "see the light" on this child…ugh…
Thank you.

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